
How far do you agree with this friends?

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In the light of the experiences you had so far, do you agree with the content of this article "Are you seeing the real image in the mirror?" Please click on the link below to go to the site containing the article.




  1. Mix it up like this Yes I do, love you, it is true, when you feel blue, I will be there for you  

  2. ok i'm sorry but are u stupid?? duh! a mirror flips images everybody knows that!! why in the world would i waste my time taking pics 2 see what i look like when i could use a mirror? i know it flips my image but it's still what i look like just in a diff direction! duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  3. huh???? I'm confused.....

  4. i agree, i see myself totally different from what everybody else sees me as.  

  5. WTF????

  6. I didnt get the article...

    but if you are talking about like ur aperance then idk because I usually see myself in the mirror and think wow maybe I am pretty and then wen I go into the car and look in the side mirror u no I look ugly in my opinon so idk  wats up with that and I often think like is the image I am seeing in my mirror at home what other ppl see or is it the image in the car mirror that other ppl see??

  7. yes, i do. when i was younger i thought i was so fat at a size 6 that i would wear baggy clothes all the time. what i saw was nothing like what i really looked like.

  8. DUMBbb...

  9. I'm sorry but this was the dumbest article I've ever read...everyone knows the mirror flips the image.

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