
How far do you commute to work everyday?(GAS PRICES ARE KILLING ME!!)?

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I commute 160 miles rountrip and I feel I may have to sell my house if gas prices continue to rise. Is anyone else feeling the pressure at the pump as bad as me?




  1. My commute is only 6 miles round trip. gas here in Michigan is $3.49 a gal.

  2. Don't be so myopic -- gas prices aren't what you should be worrying about -- you should be concerned for the impact you're causing on others.

    You need to use mass transportation, move closer or get a new job.  It's that simple.  You need to stop needlessly burning so much fuel every single day, for reasons greater than your own pocket book.

  3. If gas prices are going to keep rising eventually our economy will collapse. We are to interested in profits here in America to start mass producing alternative-fuel cars. It is a shame when a third world country like Brazil has become energy dependent and we still pay outrageous prices at the pump.

    I am driving 50 miles a day round trip. I am a little better off than you price wise for the time being.

  4. Count yourself lucky you don't live in Britain - our prices are far higher! I have a long commute (1.5 to 2 hours) but I take public transport. The prices on that have gone up due to fuel costs, though.

  5. My commute is about 5 miles one way. A tank of gas usually lasts me 10-14 days.

  6. i carpool and we all pay alittle of the gas.

  7. yea look for other mean carpool with somone that helps alot  or get a new car if u can maybe a hybrid or better gas mileage

  8. Whoa, that's crazy.  If I were you I'd move right away (unless you can't for family reasons, of course).

    My commute is about a mile on a shuttle.

  9. oh gah yea i am thinking of moving on base (i'm in the military) and just riding my bike to work. its insane. it's supposed to be 4 dollars by the end of summer. aghhhh! =[

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