
How far do you commute to work??

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How many miles and/or how much time does it take you to commute to work? What city or state do you live in?

It takes me about 35 minutes to get to work (utah) and I'm curious what the average is around for most people.




  1. When schools are off about 30 min when at school about hour i work 7 miles away (England Essex)

  2. 30 miles but takes 1.25 hours both work and going home. I'm in Texas 20 miles west of Houston.

  3. My commute is about 18 miles, one-way. 30-40 minutes depending on traffic. Chandler, AZ to Tempe, AZ.

  4. 40k  

  5. I commute 4.5 miles and it takes me on average 20-30 minutes depending on the weather and accidents.  I live in Atlanta, Georgia.

  6. I'm currently a full time mom.  So zero minutes.

    My husband works a 5 minute drive, counting time to walk to his car and from his car in the lot at work.

    My son has the longest commute right now, about 7 minutes drive, but that's due to "heavy" traffic at his school. If he takes the bus, it's about 30 minutes. If he walked it would be 15 minutes, or if he rode a bike it would be about 10.  Our plan for the near future is for him to start taking his bike.

    I've had a commute of 45 minutes one way, and I car pooled.  My typical commute for the previous 15 years was about 15 minutes.  My husband used to drive about 20 minutes to work.

    (I live in a small town in West Texas.  For three years, I worked in a different town, 37 miles one way to my job. )

  7. My work is 30 miles away, it takes me 40 minutes to drive if no traffic jams. I drive/bike 2-3 times a week, which takes me 1.5 hours. I drive about 6 miles covering the hills, then ride 24 mile the rest in. I live in Denver, CO.

  8. This morning it took about 50 minutes to bike about 9 miles to work.

    It's 8 miles and 20 minutes by car.

    By biking to work 3 days, i can save a gallon of gas.  That's enough to run my lawn mower all summer.

  9. 6 miles.... 30 minutes on my bicycle. 10 minutes in car.

  10. 15 miles, about 45 mins. each way on the back roads.  It's the only way to get there =(

  11. 90 mins, the first 35 miles take 30 mins by train the next 4miles 60 minutes getting into the tube station takes 15!...go figure.

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