
How far do you drive to work daily?

by  |  earlier

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Would you carpool if you could, or take mass transit




  1. 36 miles 1 way.

    No freeway - it's all highway - 55MPH (well 60-65)

    6 days per week.

    Normally I bring home the wrecker - but I have also driven the car at times to save a few bucks in gas.

    The 454 just dont cut it at 12 MPG.

  2. When I was still working,it was 10 miles either way,at night after work,i would t take a back road(at least the speed limit was 45mph) part of the way to avoid the traffic lights on the main drag and also helped me avoid the cops as well.

    As for carpooling and mass transit, I would have done that more if more people lived in my area of town or had I worked day shift   also.

  3. I don't drive to work - I know I am always moaning about my job these days - but one of the better things about it is that I can walk there! It takes 10-15 minutes for me to walk to work.

  4. I have about a 15 - 25 minute drive, it all depends on how slow the people in front of me can in the morning.  Trust me...there are some real turtles out there.  

    If there is no traffic I can be there in 10 - 15 minutes easy.  I only have about a 10 mile drive, and carpool isn't an option and neither is mass transit since I live in a rural area....we don't even have cabs! lol!

    We do have buses for elderly people only, my town has about 18,000 people in it.

  5. 20 miles round trip door to door.

    cannto take public transit not offered also work non tranditional hours,

  6. I do NOT know how to drive... LOL... I work several different locations for the same job... SO... I use mass transit most days and sometimes taxis, if I work late...

  7. work is 5 minutes away!:)

  8. I drive about 10 miles or so.  I can't take the bus there aren't any.  carpool: no I need my time to myself.

  9. i drive 30 miles to get to work and if i lived around anyone yes i would car pool but where i live there are no transits or buses "other then school buses" so i do not do any of them

  10. My drive one way to work is 57.3 miles.

    The problem that I have is that I live far away from work, and then go to school right after work (another 35 mile drive, then 42.2 miles home). Yes, a daily total of 134.5 (672.5 mi/wk)

    As for mass transit, I live in the middle of 3 mass transit systems, none of which service my area.

    Plus, it would seem a little 'gauche' if I took public transportation to my desk at Ford Motor Company.

  11. None-I have a home office unless I have a breakdown and have to go..

  12. Lucky: I drive only 15 minutes to my job daily

    Sometimes 10 minutes, depending on the traffic

  13. I drive about 1 mile. Carpooling and mass transit is not really an option but I would not be against it.

  14. 35 miles

    I tried but I can't find anyone even on the internet.

    Consitering the unreliability of mass-transit in VA busses are way out of the question.

  15. I travel about 45 minutes from home to work... I dont think i would car pool if i could cuz I like listening to the radio and enjoying time by myself... I think i would be annoyed with a car full of people in the morning.

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