
How far do you think Georgia President Saakashili's strategic blunder.....?

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will expand outward affecting East-West relations?

A new East-West cold war?

More Russian "peacekeeping troops" deployed to other breakaway countries?

Western nations accelerating military build-ups?

Bush committing military resources to Georgia?




  1. I don't think it was a strategic blunder. I think he'll get exactly what he wanted, which is all the things you've listed. He clearly hates Putin and takes this thing personally. He seems to be emotionally unstable to me, not a good personality trait for a man in his position. In my opinion he's dangerous.

  2. As the Georgian military has many American advisers, I am not sure you can call it Saakashvili's blunder. It was probably a well planned action aimed at testing Russia's resolve in defending its sphere of influence. This is an oil-rich region... does it ring a bell?

  3. It was not his blunder, the South Ossetians attacked first.  Putin has had Georgia on his agenda since the Rose Revolution and used a relatively small skirmish to make his move.

    There is no possible way to turn back the clock and build physical walls as in the old cold war.  The internet wasn't around then.  It'll be a different kind of diplomatic war.  Since the US is low on diplomatic currency, Sarkozi will be of enormous importance.

    Remember, the U.S. still has thousands of troops in Germany and the agreement with Poland was just signed.  American troops have been in Georgia for some time for training purposes.  The U.S. can't send more in right now - NATO only.

    Ukraine is the next country to face Russia because they have an agreement with the Russian Navy which will be trying to return to port in Ukraine.  Ukraine has said it will not allow that.  

    The domino effect potential is enormous.

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