
How far do you travel to get to work? How long does it take you? Do you use public transport? drive? or walk

by Guest67042  |  earlier

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How far do you travel to get to work? How long does it take you? Do you use public transport? drive? or walk




  1. Before I retired i worked about ten miles away. i did not cycle it was far to dangerous. Public transport up to two hours. Car 3/4 of an hour max. Guess which

  2. I drive my own vehicle and it takes me 10 mins...

  3. i have two jobs the one i do on mondays is local and takes less than five minutes so i walk rest of the week i go by bus it takes about an hour once in a while my hubbie takes me in the car its about 30 mins in the car so its sevral miles away i guess

  4. I drive 5 minutes, but I leave to go to work a 5 am and its dark and I would get run over cause I live in the Mountains and we dont have sidewalks.

  5. 6 miles to work from where I live it takes 10 minutes off peak and 1 hour peak time. I get the bus.

  6. I drive 60 miles one way to work, it takes me almost exactly an hour.

  7. 2 miles and I drive.

  8. 5 min walk-and i'm always late...

  9. 16 miles

    from20 Min's to as long 45 Min's

    no cant  as it does not run at the times i need to work

    drive yes

    walk when i get to work and climb cranes and lighting towers to fix them

  10. I walk downstairs and takes me a few seconds - I work from home :-)

  11. I travel about 35 miles to work everyday, without traffic it takes me about 40min... with traffic it could take up to 1.5 hrs. Stinks but the pay is great!

  12. Iive 5 miles away, travel buy car as i have to use the main dual caridge way out of the city, on a good day i can get to work in 10-15 mins.

  13. About a mile and half - 10 mins to walk - down hill ha ha but im lazy so take the car - walk in the summer

  14. I drive.

    It takes less than 5 minutes on a Saturday, or when the kids are not at school. When parents are driving their kids to school it can take up to 20 minutes!

  15. 6 blocks and i take the bus

  16. today i took a 3 hour drive and then 10 Min's in a boat , most days it s1 to 2 hours drive , the hardest part of my day is getting to work as i can be anywhere .

  17. From door to door 9 miles.

    But as I travel by bus and walk the first 1.5 miles (due to health and cost reasons I don't drive), 12 miles and it takes nearly 2 hours (and that is one way).

  18. bout 2 miles, i walk takes about 10 mins

  19. I drive, its about 15 miles each way and i'm guessing with UK petrol prices it costs £3 per day - £129 per month.

  20. I walk with my wife to be :D takes about 10 mins

  21. 25 miles takes about 25 minutes driving a car.

  22. 3 miles by car it takes 5 minutes

    3 miles on a bike it takes 12 minutes

    3 miles walking it takes 35 minutes

  23. I catch a train about 20 minutes.

  24. i work all over the uk i get about in a van

  25. I go about 5 miles, and I drive because it's through a pretty sketchy area, I walked and did public transit at first, but wasn't comfortable with it, so for now, I drive.  it takes about 10 min to get there.

  26. being an astral magician, the journey is a long and tedious one.

    Not far in miles, but it takes its toll on the soul.

    these days i work from the shed at the bottom of the garden.

  27. It takes me about 20-25 minutes to get to work.  I drive.

  28. form burbank california to el segundo cal...28 miles i drive and it takes me over an hour each way ...longer going home in the evening than coming in the stinks...l.a. traffic sucks out loud....

  29. 25-30 miles one way.  Takes about 45 minutes in traffic, about 30 without.  I drive and try to carpool with my hubby who works nearby.  Ugggh I hate traffic.

  30. Its 4-5 miles. 20 mins walk plus 15 mins on the bus.

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