
How far does marijuana smoke travel?

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If I smoke from a cornpipe in my backyard, how far will the smell travel? I always smoke with a lit cigarette to have that smell going as well. Should I be worried about my neighbors smelling it? One of neighbors windows is about 20-25 feet away, and on the side of my house. He seems like a nosy fellow.




  1. you can smell t pretty far away if you know what youre looking for. its a really distinct smell. i like it. but i think youll be fine if you just do it on the other side of the yard so the smoke has more time to disperse

  2. just take an old toilet paper roll, a rubber band and a fabric softener sheet.. and blow the smoke thru that.

  3. I'd bet he can smell it. Especially since it's summer with windows and doors open...just make sure he can't see you and take pictures of you smoking for the cops...also, if he calls 911 while you are smoking and they show up and smell it on you or in/around your house they will have PROBABLE CAUSE to least that is the law in a lot of places in the United States.

  4. How far does marijuana smoke travel?

    All the way to the person who smells it and calls the police!

  5. Think of a concert when that guy 8 rows down and 20 seats over sparks up a doobie in about a minute the smell will be wafting by you. It travels 30 40 even 50 yards. In a few minutes the whole stadium knows a doobie has been sparked.

    What's wrong with your living room? add scented candles burn incense and maybe try that tube and dryer sheet it may work.

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