
How far does the right to belief/religion go?

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misty adds a good point based on my argument...let me clear that up. i agree that i am not catholic. i was just saying that i am more catholic based on the fact that i place less emphasis on jesus and more on god. much like catholics hold the virgin mary higher than jesus.




  1. Your post is fine.  

    I don't necessarily agree that anyone imposes any beliefs or so called non beliefs on anyone else no more than the law will impose it's rights on any one who is not engaged in criminal activity.  

    Where both are felt is when one encounters an idea or an act contrary to their frame of philosophical or judicial reference.

    So that it becomes a two way street of discourse.  There are many levels of interaction between believers and non believers.  A like comparison is that there are different existences in the real world we live in.  For instance there is the entire universe that consists of many galaxies.  And inside those galaxies are solar systems.  And withing those solar systems are many planets and their satellites.  And in each planet there is the geography and physical interactions like temperature, electromagnetic interactions.  At a lower level there is the atomic interaction and below that there are energy and matter sub atomic particles that interact as well.

    All of them appear to be non essentail from one perspective to another but they are really related and are necessary for the universe to exist.  So too the same with discussion.  It seems to be an imposition of wills but a person has a right to choose whether to accept the words or not.  In the same way that man can ignore all the other interactions in outer space and at the atomic and sub atomic views of the world.  All that is important is what a person acceptts as truth in one's mine.  And to live by it.  And if that is the case it is not a matter of imposition but a matter of pphyscial existence and ideological survival.

    I hope I did not go to far and I hope this makes sense.  Later.

  2. You have the right to practice your religious belief so long as it doesn't contradict the laws of the country you are in. Obviously you are not allowed to sacrifice anyone.

    Remember, that American and British society and law is based on Christianity. Everybody is supposed to follow the ten commandments but all in all, people agree to about five of them. And because of Imperialism, it has been spread all across the globe.

    So in conclusion, you can practice your beliefs but not break the laws of the country in which you practice them.

  3. I have the PERFECT read for you:

    That ebook will explain why you are right, and those who try to push their beliefs on you are wrong. It's a fun read too.

    Believe me... it is perfect for you. Have fun.

  4. People force their opinions and faith on others for the same reason that you have your own faith and opinions and choose not to force them on others. It is because their tongues are as free as yours and mine. There is no limit on freedom but i use Zen & Tao to Knock them down, my meditation shows me that freedom is not limited to logic i am free irrationally, illogically and in any other way you can think off. I know that words are not truth they are false. I use this to ward them off. They can say whatever they like but it is still my choice whether i let their words effect me. I believe in God but i dont worship God or Buddha or any other Devine being, I Know Jesus died for me but i do not go to church or worship him either. I simply sit with myself and learn who i am for how can i love a God who created me if i do not first love and know myself completely. May the peace of God, the Nirvana of Bodhidarma, and the Power of all Devine beings be with you, but may you find yourself before you utilize those powers.

  5. Religion is a tool of power. With the credibility and authority associated with all things celestial. It is designed as a guide and counsel for truth seekers and communities to socialize towards being one in spirit and living harmoniously.

    Alas in these days religion becomes a weapon and shield to protect unscrupulous and quieten the good. If religion is a spiritual path toward God, then it is recognized that along that roads are trolls seeking to pillage man of liberty and soul. This is called the temptations, and to be avoided. It is observed all that is beautiful and scared in the world has affixed to it its opposing negativity. Atheism seeks to cast God himself as this shadow seeking their affiliation than the reverse, and religious zealots are no better. Their need to convert is at best a conscientious need to take Gods truth and love to others, at worst simply a popular bandwagon by which to gain laud and credibility.

    All truths are subjected to relativity for all purveyors of those same principles are not motivated or inspired by the same objective or aim, and thereby cannot be adjudged by one measure.

    An overzealous dependency upon God sours to an abject hatred as man seeks liberation and free will, whilst holding God responsible for his own folly and actions, hypocritical and unfair

    You have a perfectly balanced open minded view. Being a rational and good human being you may live your entire life rarely frequenting a church and be more human and in Spirit than the loud boastful zealots. You may find at a time in your life, calling from within takes you to the threshold of your local House of God, and you will heed it.

    God is Truth, Love, Peace and Light. Known more by its absence than lauded by its presence.

  6. long as you believe...

  7. Good question!... and I agree with you! I also find it ridiculous sometimes that others (some) have the audacity to 'boo' others because they may believe differently than they do!

  8. << I would qualify myself as more Catholic or Jewish than Christian, maybe. I know that Jesus Christ existed. I think he had divine power, but I do not see him as the son of God.>>

    Just so you know Catholics are Christians and we believe Jesus is the Son of God. Jews and Muslims do not believe he was, they believe he was a great prophet. So you can no qualify yourself as Catholic in any way.  

  9.    Your rights and freedom of religion should never infringe on that of another...our theirs, yours.

  10. It is endless unless you are confined to a book which insulates you from thinking like a free man.

  11. well,I suppose people lack a little thing called Tolerance, and of course the ability to stay out of other men's principles and beliefs...

  12. Tell that to Richard Dawkings...he'll convert you to Atheism lol!

  13. If you have decided that you possess the absolute truth, it's only reasonable to try to share this with others.

    But also, if you can convince everybody to agree with you, you will be right by default since there will be no further disagreement.

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