
How far into puberty am i (like what stage or w/e)?

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alright so i'm 13 my birthday was on june 23rd and i wanna know what stage i'm in when i m********e ushaly its just clear stuff but tonight it was white like sperm but hardly any comes out like maybe 2 drops idk and i have tiny blonde pubic hairs and im somewhere in between 5 foot and 5'3 and weigh like 145 and my voice hasent changed yet




  1. uhh yea its sperm and puberty takes a while i know this because of my bf and your not to far into it yet

  2. Pre-stage

  3. don't worry u r fine,some time voice changes at a later stage.

    and this is too early u have started master......... and if it is two drops that's too cool and sometime u feel great pain too at the time the the two drop *** comes out,don';t be in a rush to master........u r still a kid and control,moreove try to avoid and watch sometime u hold u r d**k in such a way while take a curve sometime the it take ugly curve so if u will try to void it will be in its original shape st8

    at last wait and don';t worry for anything after someyears u r voice will get change and more lot *** LOL

  4. sounds like your just begining. just because your big and tall for your age dosnt mean you'll just hit puberty wicked fast. my voice started changing between eighth and nineth grade. to me it sounds like your right about average and you shouldnt be worried.

  5. You are in the earlier stages of puberty and are going to grow more probably in about anywhere from 6 months to a year and the sperm will start becoming more and more until it just reaches it max that your body makes. Also on the same subject your sperm won't build up a ton if you jerk off every night because your body will only make so much in a 24 hour time frame. My voice didn't start to change until i was early 14, so nothing to really worry about. Just remember that puberty takes different amounts of time for different people.

  6. 13 is just starting age for adolescent or usually reach the top at16 for girl and 18 for boy.m********e  now as you did is not recommended because it may in the later age affect the function of the p***s in o****m.

    better oriented yourself in sport or study.wait another 3 more years for the body to mature, don't stress yourself too much,it hurt the body growth

    a lot more than the pleasure you experience now.

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