
How far is California from the equator?

by  |  earlier

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particularly the sac area. in miles please. oh um and please state your source.




  1. The latitude of Sacramento is 38.581N ( which is to say it's located 38.581 degrees from the equator.

    A degree of latitude equals about 69 miles. (

    Distance in miles equals 69 times 38.581 equals about 2662 miles.

  2. Starting from 32.5d N, California state (USA)2 is about 32.5d arc distance from equator at its nearest point. It works out to1950 nautical miles (if you go due south), 2242.5 st. miles or 3600 km.

    On a fast boat that can do 13 knots, it is about 6 days, or a plane (at 450km/hour) it takes 8 hours.

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