
How far is Lyon district in Paris from Eiffel Tower.?

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My husband and I are going to Paris at the end of May for 10 days. The hotel we were wanting to stay at The Grand Hotel Mercure Chateau Perrache, Lyons Centre. Any feedback? as to if it's a go location? close to Major Attraction?




  1. Yeah it's definitely in Lyon, I guess you got mixed up with the train station “Gare de Lyon"... which is in Paris

  2. The hotel you mention is in the city of Lyon not Paris. It is a trip of about 2 hours on the TGV (bullet train) from Lyon to Paris. The hotel is, at least, close to the train station.

    Where in the world did you get the idea that the city of Lyon was a "district" of Paris? You need to hit your travel agent with a large blunt object.

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