
How far is Pisa (Italy) to Florence (Italy) & what is the best form of Transport to get to Florence from Pisa?

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How far is Pisa (Italy) to Florence (Italy) & what is the best form of Transport to get to Florence from Pisa?




  1. Its about 70mins by terravision bus which costs around 9euros.

  2. It's about an hour by train

  3. I would recomend you get the terravision transfer.  In 2004 it cost about 9 euros return and took about 45 minutes

  4. take the train it is very easy and not far off

  5. its 1 hr from city to city. The trains leave every 30 mins.

  6. Hi,

    I had a check at the train-tables and it looks as you reach Florenc between 1 and 1,5 hour by train.

    Have a look at this site and compare the different offers:

    Just click the "Find all your EUROPEAN RAILPASSES and Tickets here"  link.

    Hope this was of any help.

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