
How far is Punta Mita from Nuevo Vallarta?

by Guest67009  |  earlier

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I am staying in Nuevo Vallarta (yeah priceline screwed me over) and I am wondering how far is it from punta mita? also if you could give me some advice on what i have planned..

Day 1- arrive in Nuevo Vallarta- will explore Bucerias and the crocidile farm there.go to punta mita from there.

day 2- go on a canopy tour. spend a day at a beach in nuevo vallarta

day 3- go by bus to puerto vallarta and stay at a hotel there. Take a water ferry to Yelapa. than go to malceon boardwalk in PV.

Any more suggestions? I am too afraid to snorkel because of all the jellyfish stories I hear.




  1. 150 miles 3. 5  Hour drive

  2. you can grab a bus in Bucerias for Mita. What with stops enroute, you're probably looking at around 20 to 30 minutes or so.  Once in PV, go to the Old Market area south of the malecon. There you'll find all kinds of shops...sort of an open air swap meet with assorted goods....vendors like to barter, that's half the fun...  stop by the old plaza on your way...often they have all sorts of shows,  beauty shows,  tequila conventions, mariachis, etc.....

  3. The most spectacular thing you should do is to go early in the morning to Punta de Mita, get a little boat ride to Las Animas Islands. From Nuevo Vallarta is around 30 minutes.  Just go to the restaurants area and you will find lots of guys willing to take you to the island.

    I go there once a month and never seen jelly fish.

    This is my favorite place to snorkel, crystal clear water turqoise blue and white sand.

    Go snorkeling through the cave in the big island in order to access to the interior beach.

    Just spectacular.

    Best luck.

  4. About a half hour by bus.  You should be almost able to see it on the north end of the bay.

  5. Punta Mita is about 45 minutes from Nuevo Vallarta.  You get there by taking the ATM bus.  It will cost about 20 pesos.

    Your itinerary sounds okay.

    If you don't want to worry about transportation or where to go contact Pedro. His e-mail is He can do individualize tours.  Like snorkeling, and private beach tours.  He also teaches surfing.  When you get to Mexico, you can call his cell at (044)322.152.6309.

  6. Punta Mita would be a short cab ride north northwest of Naraynit.  Maybe 10 miles. I heard it's become very developed now i.e.resorts condos.etc.

  7. I'll say that its around 15 min in a car if not less is north of Nuevo Vallarta, then you take a detour to a small road and is like two miles west after that.

    Nuevo Vallarta has the best beaches in the region.

    The only thing missing I guess is an afternoon in Puerto Vallarta´s Marina is very nice and have some good restaurants that you can have dinner at....

    Also when you visit down town visit the many restaurants with great food, not only Mexican but some are real gourmet type, like the "cafe des artist" and some others.

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