
How far is Shekou from Gaoyao? Travel time.?

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Do you know anything about travel options? Bus? Subway? How do people travel in that area to work? We are Americans trying to figure out where to live if I work in Gaoyao City. Any info is appreciated.




  1. Try Mapquest!!

  2. I'm sure there is no such a city called Gaoyao near Shenzhen. Besides, always post Qs like this in the China section please, where a lot of Chinese and Americans living in China are willing to help. Shenzhen consists of an urban area and several surrounding towns with Shekou as one of them. It's ok to say Shekou is a part of Shenzhen, just like Manhaton as a part of NYC, but Shekou is not as that important to Shenzhen as Manhaton to NYC. Shekou is a beautiful coastal town with many shoppping and recreational facilities, without a big manufacturing  sector, therefore good for living only. Shenzhen's major industries are concentrated in several other towns, and commercial and banking districts in the urban area. From Shekou to the south edge of SZ, it takes only 30 min, but it may take 3 hours to get to the north east edge of the city, or we can even say Shekou IS SZ's south edge.

    Double check the spelling of Gaoyao and post it in the China section. I'm in my office right now (It's 10:am Friday in China.)If you email me I will get back to you ASAP next week. If you need info right away, post it in the China section. Lot of people in there are ready to help you.

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