
How far is it permissible to bend reality?

by  |  earlier

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Sure, sixty three years old,

and now I turn invisible…

Why couldn’t this have happened

forty years ago?

I’ve seen all the naked women

I care to see. I’ve already retired.

The only fun I can have now

is holding a racehorse’s tail

or bending the foul pole…

Why couldn’t I have been

invisible on 9-11. I’d fix those

Emmen’ Effers…





  1. Excellent  depiction of a sad man who should have spent his younger years being more productive, and has let his age dictate his status in life.   If I ever felt that way just shoot me and put me out of my misery.  I will love women, naked or not until the day  I'm stuffed in an urn,... and I turn 60 next month, so it may be sooner than later.

    I loved your poem, even though I totally misunderstood it... I refuse to have a life like that.

  2. As far as you wnat to.

  3. Bend it till it breaks or the ends meet and forms a mobius loop.

  4. very good!!  

  5. You spelled "Incontinentia" and "Erectiledysfunction" wrong.. Sir.

  6. You can bend reality all you want, but it compensates by bending you by an equal amount, so there is no net effect.  But really, you've seen all the naked women you care to see?  Heck, you aren't retired, you're dead.  

  7. S1 I love the beginning couplet; it is one which everyone can relate to; some of us more than others.  I'd love to be invisible now. The second couplet, again, is universal. How I'd love to be 22 again, but I would want to know what I do now.  

    S2 - another stark reality with no wasted words. Memories are the treasures that make retirement a joy; this is when you can review the lovely ladies who have danced in and out of your life. It says, to me, that you have the one you want and that your happiness is complete contentment.

    S3 - To me, the takes away the sense of contentment that I found in the previous stanza, but it shows that the pleasure of your youth is still there, just slightly altered.

    S4 - Answers so many questions.  Would you have killed Hitler when he was young? I agree; I'd have liked to do something on 9-10 so all would be ready.  

    I enjoyed the poem and could relate to it as if these were my thoughts -- except for the naked ladies -- I'm straight as a laser beam.

    non sequitur:

    I believe I have a poem I wrote about the twin towers; it is painful to see them in older movies. Did you know that Jackie Chan was scheduled to film there on 9/11; the script wasn't ready, but The Tuxedo was, so he filmed it.  


  8. Can I try some of that Gooseberry pie in the window?

    Yes with whipped cream, thank you..... now what was your question?

  9. This is very strange...I asked myself the same question you ask in your first stanza not an hour ago.

    There is, of course, no answer.

  10. This is one of your weaker efforts. But keep 'em coming, you sure have a lot more hits than K's.

  11. invisible at 23...somehow, that's kinda terrifying

  12. 3 inches.

  13. its ok. i  like this poems rythem if you can keep it going and add more content then i think you will have a good poem.  

  14. Until I read the extended part I was planning to star this question. Now I'm just confused.

  15. Reality is a horizon.

    This poem is a perfect example. The closer you came to the end of the poem, the further you are from the beginning. Looking back at it, the horizon changes and so did the reality. What made sense in the very beginning changed down the road as life often does.


  16. The first step in determining the ductility of reality is contact with your subject

  17. *whistles softly*

    I do not think that way at all.

    I was invisible for the first 50 and by jove!!

    I am going to be visible for the next 50 if I have a thing to say about it!

    I am bending that pole over back wards as reality appears a bit sucky to me...

    as for late bloomer?? that is ME to a T !!

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