
How far is it to your toilet?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious to how far people have to go to get to there toilet at home and/or work. This is from some were like your desk at work or your computer or sofa at home.

I'm curious to who has to travel the longest distance.




  1. down the corridoor past three doors (two bedrooms and an airing cupboard)

  2. at home my toilet is 2 seconds down the hall

  3. i'm almost technically homeless at the moment, so the world is my toilet. god bless gas stations for toilet paper, tho ;)

  4. like a mile away

  5. i keep a pot under the bed, and also keep one under my desk at work!

  6. Sometimes I feel like it is too far!!

  7. 20 feet from the PC,,,but if its late and I'm drunk the window is right beside me

  8. 8 seconds away

  9. 50 ft.

  10. From the office: 15 regular steps (or 4 rooms over)

    From my bedroom: 43 normal walking steps (across the room, down the steps, down the hallway 3 rooms over)

  11. my bin.

  12. About 7 meters.  Just go down the stiars, first room on the left across the landing.

  13. the fish tank is right next to me............

  14. My pissoir is in the east wing.  I therefore only have to walk about half a mile to it.

  15. I have to use a bottle.

  16. It depends where i am in the house. One on the ground floor, two on the first floor and one on the second floor. Not very far to any of them, around 30 secs.

  17. next room over to me

  18. Must be great sometimes to have a colostomy bag and a catheter.

  19. Forty miles, seventy feet and two steps.

  20. too far right now...i just gots to pee!

  21. Too far. My stomach is giving me problems today.

    Okay, home, about 10 feet. It's in the next room.

    At work, clear across the office. Which is embarassing because I have to pee A LOT.

  22. My toilet is in the next room.

  23. Luckily I have one up and one down, so I am never too far away.

  24. If I have diarheaa, it is about 10 miles away.

    If I don't need to use it and it is starting to get smelly, it is right beside me!

  25. its a cross when im in bed

  26. about 10 feet from my living room to my bathroom.

  27. Depends on what type of curry I've eaten!

  28. Dunno maybe about 4 metres as the crow flies.

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