
How far is something legally allowed to stick out of the trunk of your vehicle?

by  |  earlier

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i would serious answers. and only if you actually know the right answer. thanks!




  1. i was told it could stick out 2 ft with a red flag, rag, shirt etc.... at the end of the item in your trunk

  2. I believe 3 feet is about the limit and should probably have a large red flag attached to it regardless of the state laws.

    Anything over that and I'd get a red light and flag, also.

    But that's me.

  3. NJ law states that anything more than 3 feet must be flagged. There is no maximum listed but whatever it is it cannot make your vehicle unsafe to operate or maneuver.

  4. Generally, no more than 1/3 the length of anything may stick out even if flagged. For example, a 12' long object could not stick out more than 4'. That's to keep things from teetering. Since trunks are much shorter than pick-up beds, it would seem to be only 2-3 feet would be legal in most states.

  5. I'm sure there are different laws for different locations but here 3' is allowable with out being flagged.   After that it can stick out as far as you want but must be flagged.

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