
How far is too far to commute to work every day? at what point should you consider relocating? ?

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Is commuting by train easier? if you have the option to commute by train, is it reasonable to think you could handle a longer commute?




  1. Yes, train is generally easier to handle because it causes less stress.   You can sleep or talk on the phone or read or whatever you want.  

    Regarding how far is too far, it depends on the situation.  If you are a top executive making tons of money, you can commute  farther.  But in general, for most middle class people living in suburbs, I think 20 miles each way is the upper end of what is reasonable, and over 30 miles each way means you should strongly consider moving if possible.  

  2. ya.train is a good idea. you know, at this time gas is a problem. I will choose train if I have to work far from home.

  3. I had a job that was seventy-one miles from my home. With the traffic, the typical commute was two hours and fifteen minutes each way. I spent twenty or more hours a week just getting to and from work!

    Then I bought a home close to my current job. The commute is nine miles each way, and takes fifteen minutes of my time.

    How much does it cost to live compared to similar housing closer to work? How much money could you save my moving closer? If it costs more to live closer to work, then you must decide which is more important: your time or your money.

  4. to drive and spend more on gas than it cost per hour of work a good way of thinking about it so if you make 10 bucks a hour and it cost you ten buck for gas then your wasting money has goes for train or anyway you go

  5. I used to drive to work daily.  I love driving, and would pay twice as much on gas if it meant I could drive to work.  However, to park at work costs me more than what I spend on gas right now.  I did the math, and the raise from my promotion was going into gas and parking.

    I changed to commuting by train.  If you miss the train, you have to wait for the next one (40 minutes for me).  The train can get packed, and being by someone coughing alot sucks.  However, you can read a book, space out, relax, etc.  The bad thing is that your work schedule has to revolve around the train schedule (I have to wake up and leave for work earlier), and if you need to go somewhere after work, you have to wait until you get back to your local station to get into your car.

    Points to consider before relocation is time versus money.  Which would you rather do...spend more time or spend more money?  Public transportation will cost you more time daily, whereas driving will cost more money (if you live far enough that the train pass is cheaper than driving).

    Do what I did.  Buy a train pass for a month to make yourself commit to it.  Take the train for a month, and then see if you prefer driving.  For me, I missed driving, but I saw my bank account going back up.

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