
How far is your nearest grocery store?

by  |  earlier

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I am so far from any stores and it costs me over $20.00 just for the commute now.




  1. About 5 miles away

  2. $20 for the commute alone?! Absurd!

    I have one about 3 blocks away :)

    and a local grocery about 2 miles away

    5 within a 3 mile radius

  3. About a 10 minute walk or a few seconds by car.

  4. i live in the country on 10 acres with great air, only 45min drove from down town san diego and there is a grocery store 3 miles away!

  5. I have 2 within 2 miles

  6. less than a mile away. but polluted city ;) yum breath in that polluted air and watch the cars spin you into vertigo!

    also live next to a highway yay!

  7. 1 mile

  8. There are 3 major chain supermarkets within 3 miles and our pharmacy is in one, too...One of the things we did even before the gas prices began to spike was to get a freezer...That way we can get extra quantities of items we use on a frequent basis and keep what is not needed immediately on ice...Helps tremendously.

    All the best.

  9. There's at least 2 within a mile, I guess we're lucky here.

  10. I have three within two miles.

  11. 2 within 1.5 miles

  12. 1mile!!

  13. There is one less than a mile from my house, but I don't shop there. They sell live lobster and I can't stomach that. So I drive about 5-6 miles to another store. I had to get gas today I only got 4 gallons for $17 dollars. I really don't go anywhere anymore because of gas prices.

  14. I have two with two miles but I live in Phoenix try ordering food online

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