
How far over the speed limit do you normaly drive on the highway?

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How far over the speed limit do you normaly drive on the highway?




  1. no more than 10 miles over

  2. i drive wihin 5 miles per hour of the posted speed limit.

  3. Depends. If the highway is notorious for speed traps I travel the limit.

    Usually 15-20 more.

  4. I go 5 over but if there are cops out I go speed limit. Then if the traffic becomes horrific I go what the line of traffic is going...

  5. Zilch

  6. Before baby, as fast as I felt like.  After baby, the speed limit while gasping in disbelief of how others drive!!

  7. 5 over  (unless I'm in a lot of traffic and then I just try to

    keep up and out of the way).

  8. 5-10 mph over the limit usually...always in the fast lane.

  9. typically, 5-10 over

  10. Exactly 7mph over, I set the cruise control that way. It's fast enough I don't get passed constantly and slow enough I can take the cruise off and slow down naturally without using brakes.

  11. 5 mph over is legal here.. however I tend to push it to 10-15...

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