I need the opinion of your average "man in the street" South African. A mother X asks another mother Z if Z's little girl of 8 A can come and play at X's house with her little girl B. A must bring her bicycle because B and A are going to cycle in the cul de sac in front of X's house. Z say yes but on one condition, A has to wear her cycling helmet at all costs. And X has to super vise the cycling at all times. As you know about 2 years ago new legislation came out: Cyclists have to wear SABS approved helmits at all times. So A and B are cycling in the street but x goes into the house after about 20 minutes of watching the kids. A boy of 6 Y comes with his bicycle, drive into A, she falls, break both her wrists, crack her lower mandible and loses all her top permanent teeth. Now Z wants to sue X because she did not supervise the cycling 100% as requested. Her medical bills for A is R180 000 so far, the child had to undergo major reconstructive surgery to her face, teeth etc. and Z has n