
How far should i run?

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do i need to run fast or just jog to stay fit and build muscle purely for acceleration and speed? how far and when would be the best time. My football coach wants me to get some more fitness and become more explosive since my body is quite big, i can tackle hard just need to build the legs up a bit. im 14 and tall. around 175 pounds.




  1. You should probably run about two times a day, except for Sunday, thats your break day. Probably one time in teh morning and one time in the evening, run more in the morning probably 4-5 miles or 5-6 miles if you can handle it, and in the evening will be recovery, by running 2-3 miles, or 3-4 miles if your feeling good. After do exercises like running stairs with weights and such on ur legs and arms, ab workouts, and sprints and such. Then when you run next week, w/o weights, you will feel lighter and faster. Eat a lot of fruits, veggies, and carbs, this will help as well, also drink a lot of water everyday and stay hydrated, also running with a friend will be funner, faster, and better. Good Luck!

  2. lift leg weights, do sprint and agility training  

  3. you should do interval training.. it just running slow then running faster.
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