
How far should you be away from the net to serve a volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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cuz i need the exact number of ft. to practice before tryouts.




  1. the court is 30 feet in length

    so u need to serve behind the end line

    i suggest starting your serve from about 2 feet behind the line

    don't want a foot fault!

  2. You should serve behind the 30ft "baseline". You can move yourself as far from the net as you want as long as you are 30 feet or further away from the net.

    It sounds like you are setting up your own net for practice... The net is 7'4 1/8" in the middle of the net.

    Each side of the net is a court of 30 feet by 30 feet. The net is about one foot longer as each end where it gets attached to a pole.

    It is understandable that the height at the pole is a little higher no matter how tight you can do the net cable, so that the rule says it should be 7'4 1/8" in the middle of the net (15 feet from one side line).

  3. Like the others said, each side of the court is 30 ft. Stand at least two feet behind the baseline (30 ft line) to avoid foot faults. If you need more space to step forward during a serve, you can move father back. You want the ball to land in bounds, so keep in mind the total length of the court is 60 feet.

    Good luck at tryouts!

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