
How far will the brain Kendrick go?

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How far will the brain Kendrick go?




  1. i dont see him goin far as a heel. i like it, but he doesnt get much heat

  2. As far as he can to become almost as good as the late great Brian Pilman

  3. Probably not far at all!!Maybe mid card level for a while,then downhill from there!!I don't see him ever getting much crowd reaction!!

  4. no higher than midcard....ever!

    he might be tag champ again with that jackson dude,thats about it

  5. IDK  

  6. I'm thinking up to the Main Event.His new gimmick is already WAAAYYYY over with the crowd for it to have debuted for just a couple of weeks.

  7. just mid card then he will be released

  8. in time, he will be World Champion

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