
How far will the human race really advance in the next 100 years.

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I mean scientists thought we'd have flying cars by 1990. And if don't blow ouselves up before 100 years.




  1. i think that advancing technologically is exactly the thing that will blow us up. not the knowledge of science, but the application of it and the consumption it brings.

    probably many of our technological advancements will be making things more electrical rather than using other sources of energy. of course cell phones and computers will advance, become faster, internet will become faster. we will get electricity from a larger variety of sources. we will probably be using video phones. more wireless infrastructure every where. possibly more use of induction, more advanced uses of transferring electricity, possibly even wirelessly.

    cars should be fully electronic and may be autonomous, at least for highway driving. planes might not change much, maybe get larger such as the new boeing. probably in north america trains will be used more, there might be a greater train infrastructure for electrically powered trains, possibly magnetically hovering trains such as the one in china, but that would be a very expensive infrastructure to implement. cell phones will be much more advanced possibly be a multitude of things, remote control and stuff, being able to integrate into your home's stuff, control your lights, link automatically to your home phone system. have all the computer power you would need and a large hard drive which would always automatically hookup to your home network. possibly sunglasses for screens would be mainstream and gloves for control. phones will also be full gps devices, possibly also used for making monetary transactions.

    i don't think scientists thought there would be flying cars, futurists did.  i find it very unlikely that we will develop flying cars. it costs so much energy to be able to use air for lift, you need alot of speed for that, making the soft air harder like water skiing does for water. if it happens it's because somebody will have radically added to our knowledge of physics. if someone discovered cold fusion that would do it. e=mc^2 means that all matter is energy, you can convert it with a nuclear reaction, like atom bombs do, cold fusion would be an easier way to convert it. so basically you could use any matter to make electricity, and alot of it, like atom bombs are alot of boom. so you could power anything with garbage. but i don't think it's likely that will be discovered.

    but like you said that's if we don't blow ourselves up. i think the problem is capitalism allows us to advance technology very quickly, also makes us consume very quickly. that will be our downfall. wanting to advance technology will be our downfall.

    so honestly i believe that in 100 years if we are not destroyed, or without technology by force, in really rough shape. we will have less than we have now, because it will have meant that we have learned moderation. but that's not that likely either.

  2. It's hard to say as it is dependent on many factors. Part of the problem is that we keep thinking "Evolution" and therefore it's thought that man constantly progresses.

    But if you look at humans from 1000 or 4000 years ago they weren't all that stupid, actually more advanced than the text books would want you to believe. The Egyptians dabbled with electricity. The Mayas had the most advanced astronomy  but their culture got killed by the Spaniards who had advanced weapons.

    And yet it is probably warfare that has advanced us the most. The Rocket technology that were invented by the n**i's to bomb England became the Rocket technology that would launch humans into space.

    So I doubt we're going to kill ourselves off in the next 100 years because if we are that stupid then would have already done so.

  3. How are we supposed to know?

  4. My little 1 in 100 future:

    - US go back to the moon

    - US builds a moon outpost smaller than originally planned due to budget cuts

    - Reserves of easily accessible oil runs dry and oil prices skyrocket

    - World economy becomes stagnant

    - US stops all plans for manned space exploration besides keeping the tiny moon outpost operational to make it seem like the US is still dominant in space because of budget concerns

    - US pursues cheap and environmentally friendly ways to process more readably available fossil fuels like coal while China burns whatever it can to keep its economy moving forward further contributing to Global Warming

    - Global warming releases huge pockets of methane under previously frozen tundra which rapidly accelerates the warming trend

    - The shifting environments of the world kill millions due to flooding, doubts, and famine and millions more become refugees that further destabilize all nearby countries

    - US finally breaks its dependence on foreign energy through the use of ever advancing green energy production techniques like wind and solar while taking advantage of America's natural coal reserves but a boom in energy usage in all developing nations makes this a mere drop in the bucket when it comes to environmental concerns

    - AIDS continues to decimate Africa with no cure in sight

    - Bacteria resistant to all known antibiotics propagates throughout the world driving newer more expensive R&D in the medical industry further driving up the cost of medical care

    - NASA continues to launch probes, but is not given the budget to continue manned space exploration and is therefore unable to capture the publics interest

    - China takes advantage of this by jump starting their own space program to try to overtake the US as the worlds only Hyperpower

    - US national pride resists Chinese ambitious goals and a new space race is born

    - US beats China to Mars due to its slightly superior engineering base

    - Moore's Law will continue as the nanotechnology industry takes off, but the exponentially increasing processing speeds of computers hits a wall when the atomic scale is reached

    - Research into quantum computer takes off to help the failing computer industry which is only kept afloat by charging and arm and a leg for new software

    - Globalization of the world's economies makes World Wars unprofitable but China and the US begin a space arms race anyway while the private space industry lags behind by seemingly light-years

    - Scientists postpone the development of flying cars by another 100 years

  5. I would like to think it will be amazing.

    If the library at Alexandria hadn't

    been burnt to the ground, it is said Columbus would have been first to set foot on the moon.

    Every time science takes a step forward, Thousands of mindless morons come out from under their rocks claiming the moon landings were a hoax, or the world will end in 2012.

    In the end, its hard to answer your question....Its up to us humans.

  6. Were gonna be dead in the next 100 years. All we do is kill each other. Its like our hobby you know.

    Dude number 1: Hey yo I am bored dude. What are ya doin? (he says to dude number 2)

    Dude number 2:Nothin man just chillin.

    Dude number 1: Hey wanna go kill some people? I have lots of free time till lunch.

    Dude number 2: Oh yeeehhh shizzzzz. Lezzz go dude.

  7. Men in Bible history began to build the tower of Babel but God confounded their language and soon Russia will invade Israel so it looks like the Bible will be fulfilled fairly soon...james the hollow earth man

  8. As William Shakespeare once wrote in Macbeth, "If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not."

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