
How far will this alcohol go??

by Guest56631  |  earlier

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lol i just turned 18..and am gnna try some alcohol. lol

i am 5, 1 and weight about 105 lbs.

this is my very first time drinking. do you think that 2 glasses of wine..and 2 beers (5% alc) will be enough?? how tipsy will i be after that?




  1. 2 glasses of wine gets me loopy!

  2. well...


    dnt drink.

    naughty person nicole naughty naughty!


    thats not good!

    and if ur 18 and are 5'1 ur pretty short!


    and u said u only had a few sips liar liar pants on fire!

  3. you'll be  drunk and puking

  4. That should be perfect.  You'll get pretty tipsy, but not trashed.  Have fun!

  5. You'll probably be drunk. But if I were you, I wouldn't drink wine to get drunk. The headaches that come with it are realllly bad!

  6. You use the "word" lol when talking about alcohol?

    I suggest none, seeing as you appear to still not be mature enough.  (this is similar to the "when do you give "the talk" to your son" question.  If you say "boobie" and he laughs, he's not old enough.)  When you can stop using lol, learn to spell "going to" instead of "gnna" and learn to use capital letters, perhaps then it will be time.

  7. Not to be all "mom" like but if its ur first time i say be careful and take it slow. Try a drink and see how u feel. You never know what to expect on ur first time drinkin. Have fun! :D

  8. lol it depends because everyone is different

    one drink might make you tipsy or it wont

    try onee drink at a time

  9. who's buying? well, if you are in the US, and you are dead set on drinking at your age, then please at least be responsible and keep an eye out for authorities.

    Drinking ISN'T for getting drunk. it is for enjoying.  i would try a glass of wine to start with, and then a beer.  if you don't enjoy one of them, switch to the other.  remember, alcohol holds a lot of calories, and very little nutrition, so if you want to keep your pretty figure, keep the boozing on the low end.

    To blatently answer your question, after 2 beers, and 2 glasses of wine, you should be pretty schnockered.  Have fun and be safe (yeah, I know... my mother always used to tell me that though, it's ingrained in my mind now).

  10. i don't think u should drink i think u should eat some food

    your 18 and ur 5,1 you are really short

    and you weight 105lbs NOT GOOD for a 18 year old !!!

    you need to eat even if you eat fast food!! you NEED to EAT!!!!

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