
How far would have one walked after playing an 18 hole golf course or what is the length of a golf course?

by Guest61514  |  earlier

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I just needed to know if it's a better option to the treadmill. Thanks!




  1. It all depends on which length of course and how straight you hit it if you hit it left and right then you will cover more distance but generally speaking about 4-5miles

  2. Andrew has given 'playing' length i.e. distances from tee to flag, actual distance is more [ heading from green to next tee 17 times ! + zig-zagging on course ! ]. So, you'd probably walk 7 or 8 miles, you can do that on treadmill in 2 lots of 50-60 Min's, morning / evening. Golf will take about 5 or 6 hours [ including travel time and waiting time ], stick to treadmill !!

  3. You will typically walk between 6-8 miles while playing 18 holes, but you must also account for the bag that you are carrying as well.  This also will allow more calories to be burned.  Plus the inclines and declines of a normal golf course will allow your muscles to keep guessing; whereas, if you just keep walking on the treadmill, not only is it boring, but it is not as good of a workout in my opinion.

  4. I wore a pedometer a few times while playing. It took me about 15,000 steps, which works out to somewhere around 7 miles.

    In addition to the zigging and zagging (assuming you don't hit every shot right down the middle!), you also have to walk up and down hills. This adds quite a bit of distance.

    Then, you have to walk from the green to the next tee. Even if it's only 50 yards on each hole, that adds an extra half mile to the total distance.

    The big difference is that the treadmill is non-stop. You'll probably get a better cardio workout on the treadmill.

    But it doesn't need to be one or the other. You can go to the gym a few nights a week, then play golf on Saturday morning. It's always good to have some variety.

  5. i guess and it really depend on the course some you would walk a half mile to the next tee, most courses were i live don't let people walk cause they're so spread out and hilly. so anywhere from 3 on a small compact course to 10 miles on a big spread out course.   get yourself a poedomiter  i can't spell that but one of those things that tell you how far you've walked. golf is fun and treadmills aren't so...

  6. A typical golf course is 6700+ yards from tees to greens. Throw in the distance between greens and the next tees, and you've got something like 7,000 yards. A mile is 1,760 yards, so walking straight down the middle gets you to 4 miles.

    But amateurs don't walk straight down the middle. They play army golf (left, right, left, right), considerably adding to the distance.

    I've read on a number of occasions that its probably more like 5 - 6 miles walking a typical round for an amateur. That's not a bad day's walk. The problem for exercise is that its not going to be aerobic.

  7. It depends on the yardage of the golf course.  They are not all the same length.  It also depends which tees you play from because the golf course is longer from the championship tees than the women's tees.  The majority of PGA tour quality golf courses are 7200 yards or longer(a few exceptions), so you are looking at almost 4 miles.

  8. it really dpends on the course but I have been told it can be anywhere from 3-4 miles total in walking distance.

  9. Golf courses are usually 6500 to 7000 yards long which would mean if you walked in a nice straight line from tee to green each hole you would cover about 4 miles.  But few of us hit the ball that straight so probably a little further.  It is much better than a treadmill, you are outside, and get to feel the breeze, smell the air, hear the birds chirp etc.  Plus you get the added benefit of 36 full swings with a club, and varied terrain (uphill, downhill etc).  I must walk for exercise to rehab from heart disease and diabetes and am stuck on a treadmill during the winter months, but can't wait to get back out walking the golf course as soon as the weather allows.

  10. Usually most full size 18 hole courses average between 6,500 and 7,300 yards. Thats roughly 3-4 miles.

    A tad more expensive than a treadmill but being out in the weather and meeting new players(friends) is why I chose it.

    Whatever you decide good luck on starting a more healthy lifestyle.

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