
How far would it be for a girl to be toooooo sweet? ?

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This guy i met told me that he likes me. He also told me that i " say the sweetest things ever" and tha im a "sweetheart". I really dont kow why..i do tell him sweet things like "oh you danced good last night, your getting better" and when he says something like "your soooo cute" i go along and say things like " awww your cute". Im just scared that im beeing tooo sweet. Do guys like even like sweet sweeeeet girls...because from what i understand they not tooo sweet am i? Sometime i feel like hes saying it because he thinks im too sweet. Im not with him also and i feel like he says that to just mean "your a sweet girl...were just friends". you know?




  1. i love sweet girls. and i think every guy does. just as long as they really mean it, and im sure you do.

  2. I think that there is nothing wrong with being too sweet.  Just as long as your truly that way, and that it's not fake or forced. If that's how you are then that's awesome.  We need more sweet people in the world. And the right person will absolutely adore that about you!

  3. I myself do like sweet girls generally, but not overly sweet where they want to spend everyday with me.

    Just be yourself. If you're very sweet then just let it be. You'll find someone who likes you for your sweetness.

  4. well being a guy, and being a guy girls just say awwwww to, it gets kinda annoying if they just saw aww but yea some guys really like sweet girls, but some if you say the same thing think of it as very repetitive, and try and change it up, and try and think of ways to flirt with him that he probably has never thought of saying to you before.  

  5. Honey listen.. i was put in your same shoes.. i dont know how old you are.. but im 15 and I was talking to my boyfriend.. and at the time.. we were just friends.. but anyway.. he was always sweet to me.. and i always told him sweet things like he was perfect to me.. and he was the most amazing thing in my life.. and we plan on getting married when I get 18. Its amazing what taking a risk can get you. Your not too sweet at all. Turns out guys love that. (:

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