
How far would you go to meet your favorite player???

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So Yesterday I met Brian Rafalski at Walmart (weird I know), but he was really cool. (And i'm not acting like he's my best friend now because i met him once, but he really was a nice guy). But anywho... There were a few people behind me that drove from Canada to come to Dearborn for him to sign their DVD that they had to pay $20 for to get signed and nothing else. They Came From CANADA people!!! LOL. I find that to be pretty Die-hard ...which i like. I just took off of work to meet him, these guys drove to another country. Well its not like Canada is that far but W/e. Anyway on to my Question

How far would you go to meet your fav. player? And if you already did..what did you do to meet him? What sacrifices did you make?




  1. I'm pretty much like those fans, I'll take a slap shot to the gut to meet my favorite player; "still undecided".

  2. none drove a half hour to the practice an hour early thats all :)

  3. 25.5 miles.  The distance from my house to the Prudential Center.

    Having Rafalski is a big reason why the Wings won this year's Cup... and not having him is a bigger reason why the Devils didn't get out of the first round against the (expletive deleted) Rangers.  Nice going, Lou Lamoriello.  Next time, keep your good defensemen!

  4. Crosby and I will be best friends one day

  5. Mario Lemieux - He doesn't live that far from me, but I wouldn't invade his privacy to meet him, if there was a public signing somewhere in Pittsburgh, I'd be there, and if it was my choice, I'd go around the world 20 times to meet him, but I don't have the access or money to do that.

    Pavel Datsyuk - If there was some sort of signing in Detroit and I had the money at the time, I'd get a plane ticket and fly out to see him and get his autograph for sure.

  6. Call me what you will, but I'm one of those people who refuse to idolize people. While I wouldn't mind bumping in to them at the WalMart, I certainly wouldn't go out of my way (or even across the street) to meet them.

    IMO doing that says you are a lesser person than them, and I don't subscribe to that thinking.

  7. well since gas is about $9,000.00 a gallon at this point, i'd go about 3 miles

  8. i would drive 160 miles cuz that's how far i live from san jose!!!!! all of my friends that watch hockey have met at least one hockey player before & they always make fun of me =( i'm a pretty die-hard fan of the san jose sharks!! like i said i would do pretty much anything to meet any of my favorite hockey players..

  9. Wow, that's so cool! I would get my parents to drive me from Maryland up there to meet someone! (well, I also have relatives up there but I'd go in an instant if I could meet a Red Wing)

  10. Only if he was here in Toronto!

  11. I haven't gone that far because I'm only a 10 minute drive from the Devils' old practice rink, and 25 minutes to Prudential Center so I've met the Devils a lot of times.  And for some reason the Devils always have signings in my town (one time Jamie Langenbrunner was at Shop Rite, Paul Martin, Patrik Elias, and Travis Zajac were at the mall, and the Stanley Cup was at the mall too) even though I live in a tiny town in Jersey.  (It's only got like 20,000 people).

    I probably wouldn't go too far to meet a player.  It would be cool to meet the Red Wings or the Sharks, but gas and plane ticket costs don't really justify meeting them.

    You're lucky you got to meet Rafalski!  He was really cool when he was on the Devils.  Except the Devils kinda screwed him over when they were willing to just toss him aside in an attempt to re-sign Niedermayer.  So I'm not bitter that he left.  Totally understandable.

    Woo hoo to gas prices in New Jersey!  Prices haven't gone up in like a month!  And NJ has the lowest gas prices in the US I think...I only have to pay $4.19 a gallon for V-Power/Premium at Shell.  But my car eats up so much gas!! :-(

  12. I drove ~ 5 miles down the street to the practice arena back in 2003.

    I hung out by the players parking lot and got him to sign stuff and take a pic. He's very nice [Rucchin].

  13. I met jason york at a wedding.

    i was like 10 years old. and all I remember was my dad pointing to some guy and saying "He's a hockey player"

    and I thought that was very cool.

    but I was very shy, so me and my cousin and brother went and asked for an autograph.

    we were all excited and didn't really know what to ask.

    then I remember my cousin asked him if he scores a lot, and he said "sometimes"

    and we thought he was so cool.

    so I guess I didn't go far and its not my favourite player but I'll definatly remember that time.

    and yeah, I agree with the person who said they're no going to stalk someone just because they play hockey.

    so i guess if i want to meet someone i'd just hope to get lucky or something lol.

  14. I would cross the street to meet a hockey player, but thats about it. I like to watch, but I am not going to start stalking someone just because they play hockey.

  15. I would travel pretty far to meet face to face any penguin player..............I met Micheal Terrien in a Walmart he was behind us in line..... he loves his socks n' flip-flops

  16. I can't afford gas to do a stunt like that but I would be willing to drive to Portland or NO CAL, I live in Central Oregon so I doubt anything like this will happen anyway.

  17. Well if i wanted to meet a player i would have to drive a hour and a half, but to meet my favorite player that would be a long trip that i wouldn't be willing to make, so tampa would have to play carolina in order for me to ever meet St.louis. I would be willing to sacrifice a short drive.

  18. brians my brother....what a quinkidink! id go pretty far!! especially for crosby <33

  19. I drove from Montreal to Quebec City to Meet Patrick Roy (about 3 hour drive) And I never did get to meet him :( well I did...but many many years ago.  

    Anyhow, I didn't go there JUST to meet Patrick, made a weekend out of it, love that city!

    Aside from that, I have driven no more than a half hour to meet them, some I met 5 minutes from my house. I only go to organized events that are close by.

    But...I'd make an exception for Roy lol

  20. I have gone drove like an hour to go to a practice, I had to go to three to actually have the chance to meet him. Except, it gets better. The first time i went, a friend was supposed to go with and i really didn't want her to come and ruin my time because shes a dumb pb with a dream to become an icegirl so i left without her and she called while i was there and was like, im ready, when are we leaving, and this was about at 12, man how much makeup was she putting on. The 2nd time, she again knew i was going but i really didnt want her coming so i told her i wasn't going then went, same thing with the 3rd time. So i have these totally great stories and pictures and autographs that i have to keep a secret about, even though i really want to shove it in her face but im not sure what will happen so we will see

  21. If he was nearby then I would. Last year a new Future Shop opened and Darcy Tucker was there signing autographs. We had just come from temple though so I was in a suit (Indian suit) and didn't want to go into the store (I didn't know he was there). 10 minutes later my brother, mom, and dad came out and told me he was there. They didn't get any autographs and wouldn't even let me go into the store to get one!

    And when Crosby released his clothing line at Square One, I had only been there the week before. If only I had chosen to go that day instead.

    I would drive an hour away (if I could drive) to meet my favourite player.

  22. Every year the Philadelphia Flyers Wives hold a 'carnival' where attendees get to meet the players. The annual event  raises money for the Wives Foundation which supports various charities. I've made the 600+ mile trip from Cincinnati to Philly a couple of times. Worth it? Absolutely.

  23. Maybe an hour away..

  24. This spring i drove 350 miles to watch a game. But just to meet a player, i wouldn't drive that far. I'll drive the 150 miles to training camp, and if I meet a player I guess thats a bonus.

  25. I already met Keith Tkachuk a few weeks ago. We went like 10 minutes to the Scottrade center. My aunt payed $35  for me to get a picture with him and for him to sign my jersey.

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