
How far would you go to save a total stranger?

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would you give your life or would you watch the stranger die?




  1. There is a time in my past where I have been called a hero.

    It is because I almost got myself killed to save the life of a complete stranger in a time of war.

    That complete stranger at the time is now like a brother to me and his first son is my God son named after me.  I don't like being called a hero but it is pretty cool that me saving a complete stranger's life not only continued his, but led to the creation of another.

  2. It looks like, from a lot of the answers here, that people think they'd be real heroic. But when I see all the people dying around the world from wars and illness and starvation. etc, and see that very few of us do anything about it, I have to say that on a daily basis I and they do not go very far at all to save strangers. Wish we were better, but we're not.

  3. as far as i could. i cannot, and will not watch someone die without doing all that i can in the prevention of it. if it means giving my life, yes, i would. i refuse to let another person, or being for that matter, die without doing all within my power to stop it. if i can save them, i will. if not, i will feel better about it knowing i did all i could in the attempt to save them, but i would still feel horrible about it. i have always thought that. people would ask questions like "if the building were burning... if so and so were in there" i answered the same way- death does not discriminate age, race, religion, s*x, or anything else, so, why should I? i would give my life for another, but i would prefer to keep them both. and, i prefer the term 'risk' my life better, because there is no sure thing that says i will die trying to help someone, but if i do, i just do. i am not worried about when i will go, i am worried more about how i will go. if i die sleeping, okay, if i die saving someone, okay, if i die running scared while someone's life is in danger, not okay. as i said, i will do anything and everything within my power to help them, or save them, but i will NOT just sit there and watch them die without attempting to the best of my efforts. i would be worried about my family, but they would know how and why i died, and i would be just fine. as long as they know why i did what i did, then, everything will be okay. i have told them all that i need to, and, they know i meant every word of it.

    oh, and i love the way eric answered it, and i agree 100% with what he said.

    i hope i answered it well enough.

    have a great day!!!!!


  4. Giving my own life would be not only impractical but impossible unless it was in exchange for the life of a loverd-one, in which case it would be imperative.

  5. depends, i would pray first

  6. If it will kill me, I will not do it. Pain I can stand, but I got a family to look forward to, so I cant die for someone I don't know.

  7. I would give my life. i hate seeing people die. even if it was a complete utter stranger.

  8. I would do everything in my power to save them, but I wouldn't put my own life at risk for a total stranger.For all I know they could be a muderer.

  9. i would do everything in my power to save he/she because were the situation reversed, I would pray God to bring someone who would do their absolute best to help. I believe strongly in karma. besides, the good samaritan law is now in effect, so if anything bad happens, i would have done my best and also would not get into trouble for trying to help out.

  10. Whew! I wish I could agree with the majority here, but after reading Kaci's answer, I think she's right. We can talk about helping people, even at great risk to ourselves, but the fact that people are suffering and dying all over the world and we do little about it seems to point to the truth about us. In most cases, we will not put ourselves out very much to save a stranger.

  11. As far as I safely could.

    It's "love thy neighbor AS (not more than), thyself".

  12. It is taught that when one sacrifices his/her life for the sake of another, that person is rewarded greatly in the afterlife.  This is quite similar to being a martyr.  If one gives their life for their religion, they are in a way preserving the life of their beliefs.  Life is precious, no matter who they are.  Letting someone die is as bad as killing them yourself.  To do nothing is suicide.  This subject expands even into daily life.

    If you see another person in need of assistance, even on the most trivial of manners, you should act.  You will feel much better after helping them.  If you didn't, think about how you would feel if you didn't.  It would most likely eat you up inside.  

    -Do the right thing, and help when you are needed.

  13. i prolly would if it were painless - pain sucks

  14. I suppose it depends.

    If I have kids and a husband and family, I'm not sure.

    And if the stranger is the guy that cut in front of me in line earlier and then gave me the evil eye and a "psssshhhh" when I mentioned it, yeah right. What goes around....

  15. Depends on if fire or water are involved each of which petrify me.  Otherwise, I'd risk my life.  Have saved two from suffocation (Heimlich -- no heroism, there)  while others stood around, yes, petrified.  

  16. Personally I would do everything I could to save another life, whether it cost mine or whether its puts no harm in my life. I'm not saying this to be "heroic", im saying this because it is the truth. Not one person's life is more valuable than the next. Someone may have more material possesions, but that means nothing considering every object/item we own or possess is only a stigment to our imagination. In the end nothing matters but our actions.

    This, of course, is only my opinion.

  17. I would do everything in my power even to the point of death.

  18. Apricots.

  19. There are thousands of people who die everyday from starvation. I would like to help them, but I am conflicted between helping organizations like "Feed the Children" who get millions of dollars from the rich and take tax deductions for being non-profits and the owners who get rich running them. Then there's the govts of these countries who take millions from the donations that are supposed to go to starving and helpless people. Then the govts use the money to suppress the very people that the money was meant to help. It's so sad.

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