
How far would you push it in this situation ?

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you catch your 10 year old and his friend drinking hard find out what store they got it from..would you demand to see the surveillance tape ?...and after you did...would you press on to find that guy ?




  1. You should definitely press the matter. The best way to do this is to contact the police. They can open an investigation on the store selling the alcohol, obtain video tapes from the store (if they exist), and attempt to locate and charge the individual responsible for buying the alcohol for the minors. The store may have been stupid enough to sell directly to a minor, but I would hope not.

    Emphasis also needs to be put on the minors themselves. A 10 year old is old enough to know right from wrong. Make sure the child knows the consequences of his/her actions, and provide some type of punishment appropriate for the actions.

  2. If your child is on tape buy liquor from a liquor store, the owner could  loose his liquor license, face a stiff fine and maybe go to jail.

  3. I would absolutely push the issue.  Usually, at 10 years old, the child is going to tell the truth with enough pressure to do the right thing.  If you can find out who purchased the alcohol and get the tape from the store, turn it over to the police.  The probability of the store giving you the tape, however, is slim as it is the property of the store and they do not have to give it to anyone without a warrant.  If you can find the person who purchased the alcohol and get the police to ask him about the incident, it would be beneficial.  Good luck to you!

  4. It would take a court order to get the tape. You should get a lawyer and let them take it from there. But do quickly, if store finds out the tape will come up missing.

  5. Call the police and ask them to get the tape and go after the guy.

    Do not take law into your own hands.

  6. Let's look at things logically.  Who bought the liquor for them?

    Doubts exist a store, covered by surveillance cameras, would be dumb enough to outright sell liquor to minor children--given laws forbidding such.  It's a given then that the kids got someone of legal age to buy the stuff for them.  So police reviews of the cam video is only going to show adults buying liquor.  Dead end.

    However, if you question your kid(s) and find out WHO DID buy the liquor; likely someone you and they know in the neighborhood---then you go on to calling for a police officer to come to your home and lodge a complaint.

    Hold on to the liquor the kids were busted drinking.  Have the officer find out from the kids who bought them the stuff.  The officer will then question the adult--who'll of course, deny buying the stuff.  Pray this guy isn't the local neighborhood sexual troll or predator.

    THEN the officer can sweep in, demand to see the videotape---and see the adult buying the exact same stuff YOU found the kids with.

    The lying adult then can face charges of contributing to a minor's delinquency.  If the police have probable cause to investigate the adult further---they can and might find them guilty of other serious criminal offenses.

    This would be the approach I'd take if I were you.

  7. Yes I would push it.  Contact your local office of alcohol control and see what can be done.

  8. Why would 10 year olds feel the need to drink. I would demand my kid tell me who purchased it for them. I would then bring this matter to the local police department.

    There is no need for a store to sell to minors, there is also no need for a minor to purchase alcohol at a store!

  9. I would call the police.

  10. You can take it as far as you like. But remember this. There is a VERY GOOD chance that the kids will be charged with underage consumption as wll as the guy who bought it for them.

  11. While I would be mad as h%ll at "the guy," the truth is the focus needs to be on the 10-year-old.  

    Obviously there are issues if a kid that young is drinking, especially hard alcohol. The father needs to find out what is going on in his sons life that a 10-year-old feels the need to engage in self-destructive behavior.  Then he needs to get involved, take some responsibility in raising the kid and fix the problem.

    This is the kind of opportunity for a dad to have a serious chat with his young son about life, growing up, making correct decisions and being responsible/accountable for your actions.  A father can't ignore that his son bears SOME responsibility in that situation.  

    Finally, this is a critical time for the father to analyze his involvement in his son's life.  Think of the message he is sending if he simply blames "the guy" and doesn't hold his son accountable for his actions?

    Good luck with that.


  12. I would push it all ways!!!

  13. At 10 i would push it. I do not think you will be able to find the guy but getting it for a 10 year old is just wrong.

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