
How far would you stoop if someone offered you?

by  |  earlier

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£10,000 or $20,000. I mean nothing illegal but how far would u go lol..give me an example of wot you would do for that sorta money! and with this credit's not a figure to be sniffed at lol!




  1. I am only wiling to have s*x for that kinda money!

  2. hmm, there is alot i would do for that. Streak naked in front of hundreds of people... anything really...

  3. Very. Stoop would be my middle name.

  4. As long as it doesn't end up on the internet

  5. This is not funny so it is not for the points.  I would do pretty much anything except have s*x with a stranger.  That   way I could take the money and donate it to a worthwhile animal chairty.

  6. p**n.

  7. I am soooo rich I would do nothing for such a paltry amount. (maybe tie my shoe laces)

    Ten grand is nothing today

  8. anything as long as it didnt disgrace my family.

  9. Well I would have to stoop because I'm 6ft 7.

    You see that high rise.  Well I might have a go at a tight rope to the ground in a bucket tied with a loop of reinforced duct tape.

  10. for £10000 hmmm ... 1000 pushups live in public wooo

  11. i would do my daily routine fully nude. you know, hit the bank on my way to work, go to work and sit in my cubicle, acting totally causuall about it.  grab some taco bell on my lunch break. if anyone asked anything i would just say it was laundry day. go grocery shopping, maybe rent some DVD's on my way home. the $20,000 would help for when im unemployed and dealing with the legal fees from being nude in public all day

  12. say jump and i will ask how high!!!

  13. errrm.....

    depends on my life situation,

    if a member of my family was dying and 10grand could save their life, I would do anything, but right now, I wouldn't really do much, my life is alright, hard, but we're getting through

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