
How fast are the ice caps melting?

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I heard last year it was 1m/yr this year its 3m/yr??

Please provide a source if you have one.





  1. Watch the BBC documentary by David Attenborough called planet earth ,the 3 called--- the future and ice worlds,they have filmed the ice fields at different times.

    It is going faster all the time

    Nasa reckons the North pole will be gone in 5 years

  2. They're not. Don't worry about it. They melt in the spring and refreeze in the fall. It's a normal, natural cycle.

  3. Depends on the time of the year.  During the warmer months, they melt.  During winter, they grow

  4. My science teacher just said yesturday that they are shrinking 2m and year...and about 40% since the 1960's

    poor polar bears!

  5. The Arctic ice cap September lows (that's when the maximum melt has occurred each year) have declined approximately 28,000 sq. miles per year from 1979 to 2007.  You can read about it at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

    Here's a plot that shows the decline (notice that the Y-axis is in million sq. km):

    The ice caps around Antarctica haven't changed significantly as Antarctica is like a huge refrigerator that requires a lot more energy to heat up than the Arctic (north) region which is only water and sea ice (no massive mountains of glaciers there).

  6. The Arctic Sea Ice is melting - but what you don't hear is the Antarctic sea ice is gaining.

    Also sea ice melt will NOT increase ocean levels.

    This .edu web page shows the decreases and increases.

    This chart on the above web page shows no basic change Globally - Global Sea Ice Area  -  1979 to present

    Also a good read about: Misleading Reports About Antarctic Melting

    Don't be duped by Alarmists media propaganda.

  7. Faster than they should be, it doesn't look good!!

  8. They have melted a lot since the last ice age.

    Don't buy into poor polar bear scare. Animal population runs in cycles. The best example is rabbits and predators. When the rabbit population grows the predators have larger litters, when they shrink, smaller litters. By protecting the polar bear we will actually be responsible for the ones that die a long painful death by starvation.

    A better question is why does mankind think they are so important that they can actually chance nature.

  9. I'm sorry I don't have time to go watch them.

  10. They aren't. In fact, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing.

    Don't believe the liberal media lies.

  11. 42 times faster than the average over the past few thousand years:

    New Research Confirms Antarctic Thaw Fears - Spiegel Online

    New research confirms that ice sheets in West Antarctica are thinning at a far faster rate than in past millennia.

    Johnson and her colleagues analyzed minerals from the Smith, Pope and Pine Island glaciers in four locations. In a paper in the March edition of the prestigious journal Geology, the researchers write that the data, for the first time, places the current massive loss of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the context of past millennia. And they confirm what scientists have long feared: The glaciers are losing their mass at an "unusually rapid" rate.

    The paper also states that the thickness of the Pine Island Glacier has shrunk by an average of 3.8 centimeters annually over the past 4,700 years. But the Smith and Pope glaciers have only lost 2.3 centimeters of their thickness annually during the past 14,500 years. Satellite measurements taken between 1992 and 1996, though, show a loss of 1.6 meters in thickness per year on the Pine Island Glacier -- a figure that represents 42 times the average melt of the past 4,700 years.

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