
How fast are your cross country (5k, 3.1 Mile) Times? How can I improve?

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Ok... I ran cross country last year, and PRed at about 20 minutes. Im an eighth grader (Boy) and still growing a lot. I was wondering what every one else here's times are. Also, if you have any tips for training and racing that might help (besides running every day and eating healthy). Thanks




  1. i'm a girl going to be a sophomore and my pr is 19:42... the day of my pr i was seriously so focused and determined...the week before i ran something close to 28 minutes. (it was extremely hot and and i had massive cramps).. i cried after that race and i told myself 'you know what? i'm going back next week ( we ran on my home course twice; once for an invitational, the other for my league meet) and i'm going to do amazing'. it truly helped. i think mind set is a big factor in cross country, always be positive and determined..

  2. Good runner, I ran 3.25K in 12 minutes at the age of 13. Hav'nt really ran since.

  3. fit old car tyres to a belt an tow em behind you when training adds weight and resistance cheapl and effective over a period of time i used it along with ankle weights and wrist weights help stammina an builds muscles more stammina greater speeds can be maintained  sorta thing i still use that method and i hill run....

  4. well i read what the guy before me said and dont use ankle weights or any kind of weights. they will throw off your form and weaken your body greatly.   i ran a 16:22 last season.  to improve start running everyother day 2-3 miles and after every week or so start building up your mileage and you will see a steady improvement.  also do pushups and situps after workouts cause that will help alot with your strength

  5. 18:22 is my best time.

  6. My u13 cross country time for 2.7km was 9.33 and i didnt really come anywhere. I always eat porridge, chopped banana and honey on my race day. ANd drink PLENTY of water

  7. I'm the same age just turning 14 & going into high school.  My best is 18, but i've grown a lot.  If you continue growing, i bet you'd do a lot better like I did.  Just practice and work hard to get better.

  8. this past season when i was a freshman, i ran 19.03....


    intervals helped me tons:)

    good luck with your training!!

  9. well im in 6th grade and i got like 17min and 18sec. so i'm not sure how that is compared to you, but i like it. ^_^ and i know your question says to talk about tips other than eating healthy and running every day, but that;s what you got to do. run a little every day, stay on a healthy eating program, and do daily exercises. works for me.

  10. time is 16:58 for 5k , and i improved most from 8th to my high school year and im rapidly still getting will grow alot and 20 mins is fast for your age so keep it up


    As a 9th grader I ran a 16:43 as a 10th grader I ran a 16:19 and as a junior I ran a 15:35. As you can see my times improved the most fron 10th to 11th grade. During my time off (the summer) I began running about 3-4 miles a day (taking 1 day off a week). After that I started moving my mileage up about 5 miles a week for 6 weeks. You should be doing these runs as slower runs. After the 7th week start bringing in more speed workouts but don't exceed 3 per week. The speed workouts should be 2-3 miles and you should drop your mileage accordingly. This is called the PPM program and it should drop your times significantly.

    Also do ab workouts every day and push-ups every other day taking no days off. Don't do weights!!!! Your weights are you body.

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