
How fast can Bob Barker run?

by  |  earlier

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  1. infinity x divided by zero times the speed of light

  2. i've seen him clocked running past one of those roadside radar signs, it was 23mph in a dead sprint

  3. Judging by his superb conditioning, I'd say around, oh, 23-24 MPH? Just a guess, but...I mean, come on! Look at the tiny little iron muscles rippling through his crisply tailored suit. That beef ain't just for use in a showcase showdown; that dude could flat out fly!

  4. fast enough to catch that random cat or dog who is NOT spayed or neutered . . .  around 10-13mph

  5. you mean the one in the price is right who beat up Adam sandler pretty d**n quick

  6. faster than a galloping zebra. perhaps 37 MPH?? but that's just an estimate...

  7. The fastest sprinters in the olympics run about 22 mph.  We walk at about 3 mph.  So somewhere in between.

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