
How fast can a 20hp BOAT GO???

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if a have 14 fott v hull boat ?




  1. 15 mph

  2. The speed is determined by the amount of  pitch in the prop, and the design of the boat it is put on- For instance I had a 20 mercury on a 12 foot wooden boat that would run 38 mph- when I put the same motor and prop on a 12 foot aluminum boat, it would only do 28 miles per hour- the aluminum boat has much more drag then the wooden boat and ran with much more of the hull in the water then the wooden boat, resulting in a loss of speed in comparison to the wooden hull.

  3. All depends on several factors including weight, displacement, hull design, prop pitch and others. My did raced hydroplane boats a long time ago and they managed 40-50 MPH out of 10 hp motors. Forceowner

  4. Realistically, not counting hydroplanes or any other performance boats, about 1 mile an hour for every horsepower, so you should get to about 20 mph.  This is just a rough estimate, and it will depend on your prop and how much stuff/people you put into the boat.  But about 20 mph.


  6. APBA racing: 15 hp can go about 50mph

  7. real fast

  8. real real fast maybe 300

  9. aluminum, up to 25mph

    fiberglass, up to 20mph

    actual speed depends on:

    engine mounting height & trim angle,

    2-stroke or 4-stroke motor (2-stroke = lighter therefore faster),

    lower unit gear ratio,

    prop pitch,

    payload and balance,

    fuel quality,

    water temperature,

    wind, waves & current,

    driver skill,

    year motor was manufactured (pre-87 HP was measured at the powerhead, afterwards, at the propshaft, about 7% or 8% difference),

    hull and engine maintenance programs.

  10. Well, how fast can 20 horses move in water?

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