
How fast can a hybrid bicycle travel?

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I'm a college student and I can't afford an expensive touring bicycle nor do I go on enough tours to justify spending that kind of money. I just want a cheaper hybrid bicycle (it will be only used on roads, no dirt) in the range of 300-400 bucks. I'm not doing extensive touring, probably 2-3 days of riding/ camping, and maybe 200 miles. I'm not sure how much gear I'll be taking, but most likely it wont really exceed 20 -25 lbs. I'm not really interested in going really fast, like I could on a genuine touring bicycle, but I don't want to be a slug either (which is why I don't want to use a mountain bike). Ideally, I'd like to shoot for an average speed of 12-14 mph. Is this at all possible?

Oh and for the most part I'll be traveling on pretty flat roads with very few hills (NJ), although I may end up biking to the northwestern part of the state with some smaller mountains.

Any advice (on touring, buying a bike, etc.) would be very appreciated!





  1. I ride a Claude Butler Classic Hybrid In the UK, costing me GBP 200, and I reckon to average 11 mph when on tour.

    But then I am an old man at 69, so if you are half my age, 12 -14 should be easily possible.

    I have just completed a 365 mile trip over 5 days, one of which was a rest day, all in the pouring rain  with a SW head wind on the way out.

  2. I have a Norco Monterey, slightly above your price range and toured at those speeds quiet easily with more luggage (longer trip). A hybrid shouldn't be much heavier than a hybrid (at least with lower end). Invest in a decent pair of tyres and the only thing that'll be troublesome is the restricted number of hand positions available on a straight bar which only becomes a problem is you intend on doing 80/100 miles a day. A hybrid might actually have a gear ratio better suited for touring than a road bike.

  3. I have a Trek hybrid and frequently average 12-14 mph. In order to gain more speed I have changed the tires to a narrow road tire which has helped immensely. The tires carry 120psi.

  4. I have a Fuji Palisade and it's right in your required price and speed range. I often tow my 45 pound grand daughter in a trailer and still have no problem reaching 10 to 12 mph on the flats.

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