
How fast can an average police helicopter go?

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im just wondering how fast I would have to drive if i was planning on out running a police chopper. not that im planning to. lol




  1. 300-400 km/h

  2. Man too many factors depend on this question.  Depends on what type of helicopter they are flying.  However I would recommend NOT trying to outrun a helicopter, because some of them can travel up to 160 miles per hour ground speed.  Plus, you can never outrun the radio!

  3. Usually around 150 mph, but they aren't limited to following roads either... Birds eye views of all of the surrounding roads, straight line flights, capable of high speeds, high resolution cameras that can read a license plate from 500 feet up, and radios to every police department in the county means it's no match.

  4. not sure about other jurisdictions, the Maryland State Police fly a fleet of EUROCOPTER AS365N1 DAUPHIN II and III'S

    capable of  201 MPH / 175 KIAS (knots indicated air speed)

    even if you can go that fast, better hope you are on a perfectly straight long road, as they go"as a crow flies" while you have to follow the curves in the road.  Much better to pull over and take  the ticket. A wreck at 100mph+ is probably not survivable.

  5. you can't outrun its infrared camera........ever

    if you run from the helicopter, you'll only die tired

  6. Depends on many factors inc.

    (1) What type of helo you're flying

    (2) What kit you have attached (drag is a factor)

    (3) Wind - don't forget if you're flying at an airspeed of 140 knots into a 20 knot headwind then your overall ground speed will be reduced 120 knots.  Alternatively if you're flying with that same wind behind you, then you're speed over the ground will be 160 knots (much better).

    Face it, they're faster and more maneuverable than a car.  Give up before you even start!

  7. OK, first the PD helicopters have all kinds of c**p hanging off of them so their VNE is lower then a slick ship.  Jet Rangers, Long Rangers and Astars with FLIR's and nightsuns do around 100kts to 120kts. I work in a News helicopter,(We can read a cars plate at 1500ft)  its a Long ranger L4 with a cameraball, floats and other parasite stuff. We lumber around at 100kts downhill with no winds.


  8. about 150 mile an hour before you will start to outrun it

  9. once the helicopter is after you, your done.

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