
How fast can someone become S.C.U.B.A. certified? How much?

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I am going to Australia June 12th and I am wondering if I am too late.




  1. call your local PADI dive shop they could do your book and pool work here then they give you a referral todo your open water dives in austalia

    also cheack out

  2. i did it for my senior project, youre going to cut it close get in there now, you need gear and also to get certified you have to go on a real dive like in a bay, it could cost about ummm $1000 or less but theres payment plans but its totally worth it i was certified and just had the time of my life

  3. Every scuba instructor is different. You will find there are instructors that will pass anyone regardless and some that will ensure you meet requirements before certifying you. Remember they are there to teach you the minimum required knowledge to save your own life in case of a problem and that is not something you would want to shortchange yourself on. Getting the course completed, will not even be a challenge. But the real question is can you be comfortable enough under the water in that short timespace?

    Where are you located?

    How old are you?

    How is your general state of health?

    What is your fitness level?

    How comfortable are you in and under the water?

    Are you prone to panic or claustrophobia?

    Are you able to equalise your ears at depth?

    If you feel as though you can do this, you should. Diving is an amazing experience that you will probably not regret. The course will probably run you up to about $500, but expect to pay approximately $40 for a guided dive (If renting equipment it will be twice that)

    Price, teaching method and time required to complete the courses, etc vary from instructor to instructor. Find an instructor that fits your needs locally. Hope this helps

  4. It is in the realm of possibility.  Here is how I would do it:

    1.  Call a dive shop in your area.  Ask them about private scuba lessons.  You'll need to go get the books.

    2.  Read the books and do the homework this weekend.

    3.  Get with the instructor next week to do the classroom and pool work.

    4.  With the classroom and pool complete, do your open water dives the weekend of June 2-3.

    5.  You'll be issued a temporary certification card if you complete the course.

    6.  Go dive.

  5. depends on where you are located.

    in hawaii you can take a private course and get PADI certified in three days, however, that means you are studying when you aren't in the water. the cost will also vary depending on the number of people in the course.

    like the other posters here have stated, check with your local SCUBA operators. they can give you a better idea of what they can provide, as well as referal options.

  6. For Padi you have

    Videos and bookwork   1-2 days

    5 pool modules                1-2 days

    4 open water dives            2-days

    you cannot do more then 3 open water trainnig dives in one day

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