
How fast can someone swim 300 yards?

by  |  earlier

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I want to sign up for a mini triathalon. they want to know how fast i swim 300 yards. i imagin if there were 100 people, i would be able to swim faster than only 5 people.




  1. A bad swimmer will not swim 300 yards.

    An ok swimmer will swim it in about 5:00

    A good swimmer will swim it in about 3:30

    A great swimmer will swim it in about 3:00

    An amazing swimmer will swim it in under 3:00.

  2. well it depends on the person there isnt really an average speed seeing as how anything from strength to height to weight to muscle mass to body hair to swimwear can effect how fast you swim.

  3. There's an extremely wide range in speeds in a triathlon. Especially short ones since those don't scare away the people who swim like stones. [I mean that in a *good* way.]

    The fastest swimmers in a triathlon are going to swim 300 yards close to 3:00. Fairly good swimmers are going to be around 5:00. Weaker swimmers are going to be around 8:00. People who are having a really tough time can take up to 20 minutes. (It's legal to stop and rest, so it can take a long time.)

    If you need to provide a "seed time" for your swim, it's best if you go to a pool and time yourself. It's better for everyone if you are seeded appropriately to your skill level.

    [Note: Other people are mentioning faster times. Strong swimmers can swim 300 yards faster than what I've said. I'm trying to give you a realistic range of triathlon swim times -- not 300 yard swim-in-your-own-lane then-quit times.]

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