
How fast can the fastest jet go and what's its name?

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  1. its not the concord.  The SR-71 black bird(mach 3 or about 2100mph)is the fastest military jet and the NASA X-43 scramjet(mach 9-10 or about 6300-7000mph) is the fastes unmanned jet.

  2. the concord, 5-6 hundred miles per hour

  3. Officially, the world's fastest jet-powered aircraft remains the SR-71 Blackbird. Although the official record is about Mach 3.3 (or 3.3 times the speed of sound), many believe the aircraft could actually fly much faster. However, it seems unlikely that the SR-71 could go much faster than about Mach 3.5, with a very slim chance of Mach 4, due to propulsion and structural limitations.

    The SR-71's speed record has been broken by NASA's X-43 Hyper-X experimental aircraft. This unmanned vehicle was designed to test an experimental engine called a scramjet at speeds ranging from Mach 7 to Mach 10. At the X-43's cruising altitude of 100,000 ft (30,510 m), these Mach numbers correspond to speeds of approximately 4,750 mph (7,640 km/h) to 6,750 mph (10,855 km/h).

    Nonetheless, some believe the SR-71's speed record has already been bested by its supposed replacement dubbed the Aurora. If this mysterious new spy plane does indeed exist, it is believed to cruise at speeds ranging from Mach 5 to Mach 8 at 100,000 ft (30,510 m). These Mach numbers correspond to speeds of 3,380 mph (5,435 km/h) to 5,400 mph (8,685 km/h).

  4. SR-71 Blackbird currently holds the speed record for air breathing aircraft. It can fly Mach 3.31. It also holds the level flight altitude record at 85,000 feet

    The X15 is rocket powered. The F-15 speed is mach 2.5, the Mig 25 is mach 3.2. The Concorde could fly around mach 2, but it's not in use any more.

  5. it is the blackbird at mach 3

  6. The fastest TRUE JET is the SR-71. The key word is true JET! thats even a bit of strech for the blackbird. At cruise the blackbird oprates more like a ramjet than a true jet.

  7. the SR-71 goes faster than mach 3, the X-15 had a top speed of mach 6.7. the extremely classified aurora exceeds the top speed of the SR-71, but by how much only the US air force knows, and they are not talking. as for fighters, the F15 and the mig25 both knock on the mach 3 door. the concord topped mach 2 for a top speed, and usually cruised at around mach 1.2-1.5.

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