
How fast could a 5 hp boat motor on a small row boat go?

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2-3 passengers

fairly calm water

This is just for a research paper on technological advancements in fishing for my high school English class. -_-

Sucks the fun right out of fishing.




  1. We had a 64 pound 12 foot aluminum jon boat.  It had a 7  1/2 hp.  I was 14 yrs old way back in those days!! I weighed about 125 pounds.  It would go over 25 mph. When the lake had a slight ripple of waves it would go 28 mph.  So it depends on the weight of the boat and passenger. the hull shape and lake conditions.  It is difficult to answer without the details.  Tilt of the motor, skill of the boater, boater position, ETC.

    Good luck

  2. It'll go fine. I'm guessing its a 12-16 ft. boat. A 5 HP will push that boat just fine. You wont be going crazy fast, but you'll move right along.

    Just remember the more people (weight) you have in the boat you will lose a significant amount of power because it is a small HP outboard.

    But for 1 person in a small boat on rather calm waters you should be fine with a 5 HP.

  3. HOW LONG IS IT?   Boats depend on HOW LONG THEY ARE as to how fast they will go.  The general rule of thumb is 1.41 times the WATERLINE LENGTH... so asking a question about how fast a boat will go, is MEANINGLESS if you don't tell how LONG it is.

  4. Like RP said ALOT of variables. Is the boat wood or aluminum? How much do you weigh and how much does your passengers and gear weigh? Is the water smooth or choppy? What pitch is the prop? all this comes into play when dealing with boat speed.

  5. Alotta variables here, but I'll say about 10 mph.

  6. Heres what I think; With the info that you have posted, and this is for a paper. Boats are measured in knots (nautical mile per hour) which equals to 1 mph = 0 .868976 nautical mile per hour. Thus I would say 3 knots (2.6 mph) to 5 knots ( 5.8mph).

    Yes this does suck the fun out of fishing,and in real life as long as the motor runs get you from point a to point b and back and the fish are biting who cares how fast you go.(he he just kiding).

    Good Luck with your paper.

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