
How fast do airplanes go before they lift off the ground?

by  |  earlier

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I just got back from Florida today, and started wondering when we were taking off and landing.

So does anyone know for sure?




  1. I'm thinking they go about 150- 200 mph before lift off.

  2. it really depends on the type of aircraft.  Smaller aircrafts take less speed to lift off the ground.  Lagger aircraft need more speed to lift off.  the range of speed varies with wind, fuel and weight

  3. their is no certain answer for that unfortunately ,but, their is a rang because that airspeed differes with the elevation of the airport ,density of the air at that time due to the temp variation,wind,weight ,dry or wet Rwy. but generally as i can remember minimum was around 126, 127 something like that.

  4. tends to be about 170knts

  5. Kiersten, the B-737 you were in was probably going between 140 and 160 mph at lift-off. The exact speed varies depending on the aircraft's weight, the temperature, the air pressure, and the wind.

    Generally speaking, the higher the weight, the lower the pressure, the higher the temperature, and the less the wind speed, the higher the speed necessary for the aircraft to take off. The higher the altitude of the airport the higher the speed is required, but all the airports in Florida are between sea level and 22 feet above sea level, so that doesn't make much difference between them. At a place like Denver or Reno things are different.

    It is physics at work. Take-off speeds vary for each aircraft.



  6. as i recall a boeing 737 rotates at about 150kts. larger aircraft have slightly higher speeds, and smaller general aviation aircraft have rotation speeds as low as 30kts depending on the design.

  7. They usually go upto 300 knots depending on the air speed on the ground and the weight of the plane





  8. If I remember correctly at takeoff an airplane depending on size, etc travels at around 250 MPH  at the end of the runway

  9. It depends on the plane.  If it was a wright flyer your takeoff would be about 300-350MPH.  Your Concorde takeoff would be about 25-30MPH.

    Lol Just kidding!

    But seriously, it does depend on the plane.

  10. depends on the aircraft type, wind speed, weight, runway length, and a few other factors... but it could range anywhere from 60 knots for a Cessna 172 to 2000 knots for a Boeing 747... for a 737 it's about 160 knots or so

    i had different values before but i thought you were talking about landing, not taking off

  11. Small airplanes lift off at speeds as slow as 35 MPH.  Typical single-engine light planes lift off at around 55-60 MPH.

    A 737 needs 150 MPH, and a heavily loaded 747 may need to get as high as 225 MPH, though usually more like 160-180 MPH.  Most jet airliner takeoffs are in the range of 150-180 MPH.

    It depends on weight, height above sea level, temperature, and winds.

  12. Well for a Cessna 150 it would be about 55kts. For a heavy 747 it could be 180kts. For a Concorde it was usually 190kts give or take. The C-17 can take off as slow as 105kts. It all depends on what climb profile you want, object clearance in stall speed. If you stay on the runway longer you get better second segment climb(climb faster after your cleaned up). If you rotate early you risk staying in ground effect, not climbing, or hitting low objects. Its best to climb as fast as safely possible also for noise and object clearance, but do do this you need either alot of excess power or higher airspeed.

  13. 250 knots off a runway huh?

    a 747 rotates at around 180knot's, what plane did you see.

    It depends on weight.....a fully loaded 757 my have to rotate at around 160 knots....

    So it depends on weight.....

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