
How fast do cigarettes go bad? and how do I preserve them?

by  |  earlier

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So I am a VERY light smoker, I'll maybe smoke 2 packs worth in a year, yes a year. About one cigarette a week, give or take.

I am having a problem though...

I will buy a pack, smoke one and it will taste fine, the flavour is fresh and good. Then the next week or week after when I smoke, the cigarette tastes bad. I don't know how to describe it but its like wet paper/cardboard. It just doesn't taste fresh. Also I notice it burns out easier, and a lot of embers and ash fly off (more than usual).

I am assuming it is because they go bad and loose freshness. Am I right?

If so is there a way I can make them stay fresh? Because it seems pointless to smoke one or two cigarettes out of a pack, throw the other nineteen/eighteen cigarettes away then buy a whole new pack at almost $7/pack.





  1. I put mine in the freezer works like a charm

  2. put them in the freezer for freshness

  3. once you take the celphan off you let in air. the longer the cigs sit out the more the tabacco dries out. put them in a tupperware container or ziploc to preserve freshness.

  4. Throw them out, or sell them.


  5. I would put the whole pack in a ziploc bag and stick them in the freezer.  It really worked for me, I could leave them in for months.

  6. You are correct, cigarettes can go "bad" and they will loose freshness after a couple of weeks.

    Your best bet is to, after you smoke, place the fully closed pack of cigarettes into a plastic Ziplock bag. Leave the zipper open a little and push out all the air out of the bag (without crushing the cigarettes.) Now put the bag into your freezer. Because freezers tend to dry out cigarettes, if you plan to store them for more than a couple of weeks place the bag into your refrigerator rather than the freezer.

    That should save you from buying a new pack every week.

  7. put them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer they will stay fresh for longer idk about 20 weeks tho if your saying you smoke a cigarette once a week but yea they will be fine in the freezer for longer then in room temp

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