
How fast do eyelashes grow back?

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Whenever one of my eyelashes falls out after I wash my face or something I freak out. I feel like each eyelash is valuable and I might not get it back. But eyelashes do grow back, right? And if so, how quickly?




  1. You're going to lose a few here or there, just like the hairs on your head. So don't stress about one or two falling out when you wash your face or curl your eyelashes.

    As far as them growing back, it depends on the sorts of vitamins and nutrients present in your diet. It's the same with the hair on your head. Since you seem to truly care about your eyelashes, I recommend this product: Talika lipocils. I bought mine at Sephora but it's sold on Amazon and on the Talkia website as well. It's full of vitamins and it was originally created to grow new lashes for burn victims or chemo patients who had lost all of theirs. It makes your lashes longer, thicker, and more numerous. I swear, it was worth every penny! I used it for a month and I love how thick and long my lashes are now. Most days I don't even wear mascara anymore.  

  2. about 2months

    becausae if your get your eyelashes permed your supose to go back in 2 months

    ps your not supose to scrub your eyes

    try to avoid them because i doubt water makes them fall  out

    and when you dry your face pat it softly with a towel

    that what your supose to do anyways

  3. Why do you feel they are valuable?

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