
How fast do ferrys go?

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How fast do ferrys go?




  1. depends anywhere between 18 - 28 knotts about 28-36 mph

  2. Depends on the swell.

  3. Depends on ferry,weather and captain.

    But on average 35mph

  4. the "CAT" that goes between bar harbor maine and nova scotia goes 50 knots,,,,they also have "hover craft" armed services ferries that go up to 70 knots

  5. It's 'ferries' for a start (plural).

    Many factors : size of engines , type of engines , sea-state , rules of the road , skipper , navigator. What a silly question!!

  6. Not fast enough if you're in the middle of a rough sea

  7. Really Really fast,

    They go so fast people have been known to get G force sickness, and they have to tie the cars down

  8. Afloat or sinking?


  9. There are "normal" car ferries which do about 18 knots typically cross channel UK to European shores but then there are some newer faster ferries which do 26 knots such as the one whish sails between Plymouth and Santander, then there are ver fast ferries, mostly passenger only which can do 40 knots such as the Condor cross channel from Poole.

    At the other extreme of course there are simple chain ferries or tug ferries crossing short distances across rivers which only do 5 knots or less.

  10. no more than 30knots

  11. depends on the captain and how hard he leans on the throttle. You know, that thing with the picture of the turtle and the rabbit.

  12. it depends how big their wings are

  13. Depends on the vessel. Anything from 1 to 50 row boat to high speed hovercraft.

  14. Cross chanel ferries do the 21 miles of the chanel in 75 minutes.Roughly 15-18 knots
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