
How fast do major league outfielders throw a baseball?

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When the best outfield arms in baseball throw their hardest throws from the outfield, how fast are those balls traveling? I'm guessing between 90 and 95 MPH, and never faster than the fastest pitchers can throw (around 100 MPH).

A friend says that MLB outfielders routinely throw balls at 120 MPH because they can take a run when they throw, and the average major league outfielder with a decent arm breaks 100 MPH on a hard throw. He says that part of the issue is the speed of the ball immediately as it leaves the hand, which is much harder than what the radar guns typically track. I say he's lost his mind.

Top pitchers, from the mound, always throw a little harder than the best outfielders, from the outfield, don't they? And nobody consistently throws over 100 MPH (and never over 105 MPH), correct?




  1. sometimes 100 MPH.

  2. Human arm can't throw 120.  They did an experiment on it.  It's just too much pressure on the ligaments in your arm.  I know for a fact that Ichiro and Josh Hamilton can throw high-90s off the mound (both used to pitch, Ichiro in Japan, Josh in high school).   For those two, I'd say they probably throw maybe 100-105 given a crow hop and full effort.

  3. over 100 mph!

  4. well i  would guess faster than most pitchers because for most people doing a crow hop throw it much faster than the windup you should try it right now it works really well but prabably around 105 mph for good arms like melky cabrera and stuff (sometimes)   hope that helped man baseball is very interesting thank you  man

  5. With a running start just under 100 regularly in the 80s they dont throw faster than a pitcher regularly

  6. depending on the OF they could possibly reach 120.  pitchers pitch off of a mound to help their velocity, but to get a running start and throwing the ball you can get more speed, guys like clemente, ichiro, ankiel, vlad can throw more than 100 on a run.  the average outfielder probably can throw 90 or 95 though with a running start

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