
How fast do premature babies gain weight?

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If a baby were born at 33 weeks and 4lbs. 3oz and 17 inches long, how much weight would he/she be expected to gain in the first week, and then every week after that?





  1. my son was born at 28 weeks weighing 2 lbs 10 oz and by the end of the first week he was down to 2 lbs they lose it before they gain would go up and then down and so on but eventually they will keep going up..he stayed in the hospital for 2 months and when we left he was 5 lbs 10 in 2 months he gained 3 lbs..

  2. hi my son was born at 32 weeks at 4lbs 11.5 oz  and 18.50 inches. the first week he lost weight, then he put on about 1 to 2 oz each week some times more.

    after 12 days he was allowed to come home from the hospital.

    any question email me

  3. My boys were born @ 34 weeks 4'3 & 4'10 when they got to come home 2 weeks later they were just over 5lbs. I think they gain close to what a full term baby does but because they were smaller at birth they will be smaller than a full term infant at the same stage.

  4. Each baby is different. My daughter lost about half a pound, but my nephew stayed the same amount and my cousin gained. By 2 weeks they should be at birth wight or more. Don't worry your doctor will make sure everything is going smoothly! :)  

  5. All babies during their first week of birth experience a weight loss, it could just be a few oz or even a pound or more.  When my daughter was born she was born at 36 weeks weighing 5lbs 2oz.  A week later she was 4lbs 5oz, the following week she was back up to her birth weight.

    All babies grow differently and premature babies are sometimes a little slower at things and sometimes a little faster.  

    As long as they are actually growing, even if it's slowly there is nothing to be worried about.  

    Good luck!

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