
How fast do u need to be able to run in order to run out of a restaurant without paying?

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i will sit near the door.




  1. Very fast, and sitting near the door is also a good idea.

  2. Are you willing to pay the karmic price?

  3. Dont finish the last course!

  4. I say, I would have thought that calmly strolling out would be a better idea, you won't attract as much attention.

    Failing that you could always jump out the bathroom window.

  5. im a server ...U SUCK!!


  6. you are an idiot

  7. REALLY FAST! since everyone will be running after you, your going to have to run out really fast! if you dont want to run, just sneek out and act casual no one will suspect a thing. =P

  8. Maybe you can hid under the table for a while, then shave your beard like James Bond then escape just the way he does!!!!!!

  9. sit away from the door order second then go to the bathroom after coming out of the bathroom pretend your taking a call and walk outside, check if any of the workers are following you-if they are wait just outside the door while taking to your pretend caller in a serious voice until they go away- if nobody is calmly walk around the corner then run.

  10. think it's more about timing that how fast you can run!

  11. I would say really fast, but I hope you don't try it. I did that once, but I didn't run. I just happened to be in a restaurant with two other people and we saw "Flavor Flav" sitting in the other section of the restaurant and we wanted his autograph really bad. So he told us to wait until he finished eating. So as he and his crew got up to leave, we just moved along too with the crowd trying to get his autograph. And we got away without paying for our food. At the time, I didn't care. But as I look back on that day, I said I'll never do that again. Sometime you have to put yourself in other people's shoes and say, "If I was the owner of a restaurant or anything, you would hope people would pay, because that's how owner's make their living, by serving you". And in this day and time, when you don't do right, TRUST me, it will come back on you quicker than you can blink your eyes. Please pay!

  12. hahaha good question.

    if i plan going out from a restaurant without paying, if it works, i would take a taxi outside of that place.(only if i can escape not letting them know i'm out :P)

  13. Criminal alert

  14. You need to fly but your belly will be full. Try the bathroom window.

    I just had a thought. You can't say "I'll sit by the door." In a restaurant where you pay last THEY seat you.

  15. have one friend leave first and bring the car right up to the front door... then you needn't run... casually walk out...

  16. not very fast, i saw 3 fat chicks in a chilis waddle out the door without paying and be gone 5 min before they were even noticed.....roflmao

  17. faster than them

  18. Just depends how quick you are, and how quick they are !!!

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