
How fast does Ragwart spread?

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and in what way should it be disposed of?




  1. Im not sure how quickly it spreads but you need to pull it out right at the root or it will re-grow, then the best way to get rid of that is to burn it.  

  2. well my riding instructors daughter said 24-48 hours but my mum said that on this programme they said a few days but i dont know so i wouldnt take my answer lol.

  3. It will spread quite quickly in ideal condtions such as we are having at the moment. It needs pulling out and then disposing of where horses cannot get to it.

  4. Way too fast (and local councils do nothing about it - spit spit)

    The best way to dispose of it is to dig it out - roots and all, you can get a special tool called a Ragfork for that job and then burn the plants. Make sure you wear gloves when you deal with it as it's poisonous to people as well..

    Get your fields professionally sprayed at the start of the year ( but you still have to watch out for them later as so much of it grows wild.)

  5. DEFRA have produced a book on the means of disposing of ragwort (sorry it's in PDF format).

    Given the right conditions it will spread extremely fast, but it doesn't do well in competition with other plants. That's why it is most likely to be found where nothing else will grow. You will often see it along motorways as it can tolerate pollution to a high degree. It will grow on stony ground with little water. We recently found a lot growing amongst the willow coppice's, (pretty much the only plant able to compete in there with the willow).

    It should be disposed of on site and burning is the advisable option. All parts are poisonous even when dried out.

  6. Tansy spreads to fast for comfort. The best way to get rid of it is to cover the flower head with a plastic bag and then rip the roots out of the ground without leaving any. Tansy spreads the same way as any other weed with seeds that come from the flowers much like dandelions. Make sure you take care of the problem before the flower head goes to seed.

  7. My advice would be, get rid of it as soon as possible.  Ideally pull it up by the roots and burn it.  If you try and do it at the start of the growing season, you can pull it up before it flowers, hence reducing the chances of it spreading.  You can spray it to kill it off but i have no experience of it, sorry.

    ps - wea gloves when pulling it up as it is poisionous and i have known humans to react to it!

  8. It spreads very quickly. You need to pull it by the root or dig it out. When you have it all removed burn it.

  9. you should removed ragworth as soon as you see it at the plat stage and not after here. once it has gone into flower the seeds will spread. ragwort should be burn straight away and not left to dry out as when it is dry it is at its most potent. i heard it can take about 2 weeks to seed out

  10. go to this website, it should answer all your questions

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